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RE: Maximally Profitable™

in #meme6 years ago

”Block One votes on EOS. Steemit needs to know whats good for itself and dictate the rules or die.”

The problem here is: STINC is the entity that proposed and coded the protocols that broke the economy/incentives. I don’t see how they can improve things by controlling witnesses, as dumb and/or useless as many of those witnesses are.

STINC’s dictating of the rules brought us 75/25 post-curation splits (mostly 88/12 for the longest time), linear rewards, delegation, the too-low 10-vote daily target, and a variety of other changes that were unnecessary, untested, contradictory, and likely harmful.

And where is the innovation? Where is that “killer app” that Ned has talked about for three years? Where are communities that were being developed over two years ago? Where’s the mobile app that was being developed two years ago? Where are SMTs that were supposed to be launched in 2018?

Why are people still waiting on STINC to do ANYTHING AT ALL?

Where are the actual devs on this chain who can write new protocols or rewrite existing ones and submit pull requests? Where are the investors and economic literates who can help guide these devs? FFS...I know I’ve written lots of posts with proposed economic changes, as have many others. Are there any blockchain devs willing to write code based on those proposals? Does anyone care at all???

I mean, I think the answers are obvious. And I think the reasons for those answers are obvious.

This blockchain has been hijacked by hobbyist devs masquerading as businessmen, by the socially-impaired and unemployed masquerading as “curators” and “community builders,” by a schizophrenic man-child masquerading as a corporate CEO, by ass-kissing incompetents masquerading as witnesses, and by simple run-of-the-mill scammers.

Could the economic incentives be anything other than horribly misaligned? And who do you think is going to fix it? Who can fix it? Who wants to fix it?

Who will even acknowledge that anything is broken? I’m just disgusted with this place all over again. Thanks a lot, KEVIN!


Hahhahah, Don't get us all triggered! The smaller your position and time spent here the less you will care. I have been rehabbing myself in this very way!

Haha. Very pissy.

Have you seen Drug Wars? Biggest dapp currently on STEEM and the devs look like they are 14 year olds that were hacking Fortnite 2 months ago and now are making a game.

The STINC thing... Sure, they are fuck ups, but the problem is that you dont really have anyone else to step in. Lets see what they do with MIRA, that looks like a good addition to STEEM.

The rest of the incentive stuff? Lets wait and see what Blocktrades DAO does. If done correctly and the author payouts are cut, youve essentially killed bots and changed the incentives pretty easily.

Wow! You sure are optimistic!

What’s your diet like? :)

Smurfs.... Twice a day.

No but seriously.. If you did do posts with economic proposals then do an analysis of what happens when you cut author rewards, and if you have curation rewards calculated to the sum before the beneficiary fee is payed out.
See what that does to the bots and vote buying..
Screws them up completely.

Changes the incentives greatly.

....permission to plagiarize the shit out of your comment...???? lolol

If I give you permission, then it’s not plagiarism. And what’s the fun in that?

Besides...all you need to do around here is change a few words and maybe reorder the paragraphs and then you’ll have a trendy trending post!

Dont forget huge vote buying. No post gets to trending without them.

Besides...all you need to do around here is change a few words and maybe reorder the paragraphs and then you’ll have a trendy trending post!

....I did that as experiment once on here - on 3 or four posts (long time ago).

I found some posts I totally disagreed with, copy and pasted them, and then shifted a few words around to then make it my argument.
(ie the opposite of the posters). kinda worked out well to, but I got bored...interesting exp. though!

What a wanker, you have no permission to give, you self satisfied steemit selling cunt!

Damn, bro. I feel like !shit now. :(

And bernie shit on you, and you enjoyed it, fuck me this place is disgusting, to say the least, keep it going for 12 weeks, so I can cash the fuck out of this shit hole you all made.

I think maybe you’re missing the humor.

I wasn’t withholding or granting “permission” for anything, as I don’t care if someone wants to copy my comment. I think that was clear and lucylin understood it just fine.

And the entire point about this SHIT token is that it’s worth precisely shit. We don’t need shittoken creation on Steem. The STEEM and SBD tokens can serve whatever purpose any business needs. It’s a waste of resources to create this exchange and the worthless tokens on it.

I have missed humor badly, since being on this site, some of "you" made this place so shit, that it has none, no, I am not blaming you, more the humor less cunts, the thieves, the horrible bastards like bernie and marky mark, and their fan boys and girls. Like I said, keep this place going, so I can cash the fuck out of here, and this insane site.

uhhh huh huh huh ... wanker.

uhuhuhuhuhhhh, hey Beavis

Kind of sums up why I do not give a flying fuck about this place anymore.

"Why are people still waiting on STINC to do ANYTHING AT ALL?"

If I had read this first I wouldn't have needed to make a comment at all.

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