When posting other peoples videos you should provide at least 50 words commentary to at least create the illusion that you are trying to profit from the commentary (opinion) and not trying to profit from anothers work, which is criminal. Steemit pays- hence profitting
Oh, you thought this was twitter or facebook, where sharing is promoted. Often new users are confused about that concept. Steemit seeks original content. Adding a commentary qualifies as original content.
When posting other peoples videos you should provide at least 50 words commentary to at least create the illusion that you are trying to profit from the commentary (opinion) and not trying to profit from anothers work, which is criminal. Steemit pays- hence profitting
i was posting to share not profit
Oh, you thought this was twitter or facebook, where sharing is promoted. Often new users are confused about that concept. Steemit seeks original content. Adding a commentary qualifies as original content.
i know exactly what steemit is as stated just sharing info go jerk off to hentai now thank you