The Old Dog Experiences: A Big Bust Baffling My Brains!

in #megalithic6 years ago (edited)

I have long been puzzled and intrigued by both megalithic construction and ancient technology. I experienced both on my recent visit to London's British Museum!

The Colossal Red Granite Statue of Amenhotep III

  • It was acquired by the British Museum in 1823
  • This broken statue was discovered at the temple enclosure of Mut at Karnak in 1817
  • The only pieces remaining of what was to believed a complete statue are the head and the left arm 
  • The head is 2.9m (9.5 feet) high and is carved showing the Pschent or double crown of upper and lower Egypt
  • The arm is 3.30 meter (10.82 feet) and is depicted showing a clenched fist

This is the 3.30 meter (10.82 feet) arm of Amenhotep III which archaeologists date from around 1370 BC!

The Quality of The Craftsmanship is Mind Blowing!

Upon close examination of the arm and fist you are immediately struck by its overpowering enormity and the ultra high polish that has been obtained with the pink granite!

The head is equally impressive for its sweeping stylized curves and amazing symmetry!

The colossal head is 2.9m (9.5 feet) high and as beautifully elegant as it is overpowering!

How Big And Heavy Was The Complete Statue?

Oddly enough, in my research, I couldn't find any data on the weight of these two pieces displayed or on the estimated height of the complete statue. 

I have made my own rough calculations and extrapolations based on the known facts i.e. the known lengths of the head and arm and the weight of 1 cubic meter of granite being 2.72 tons.

My Estimated Height For The Full Statue: 7.3m (23.95 feet)!

My Rough Estimate For The Weight of The Head: 7.8 tons (over 17,000 pounds) That's the weight of three average sized cars. Just for the head!

How Did They Possibly Cut, Polish And Move That?

Granite is a very hard stone ranking at 6.5 on the The Measurement of Hardness Scale with Marble being a 4 and Diamond topping the list at 10.

Mainstream archaeologists teach that stone in this period of history was cut, shaped and polished using hammering stones and copper chisels. Does that seem reasonable to you? How long would it take?

Just moving or transporting the head or arm on their own is a challenge today. How did they possibly move complete statues back in ancient times? 

What About You?

  • Do you find these pieces to be mind boggling?
  • Are you fascinated by megalithic structures?
  • Would you like to travel back in time and see how they did it? 

 Until next time,  

@kus-knee (The Old Dog) 


Actually I don't know how they moved that stone or how cut and polish it to this end! Honestly I am not believing they all did it by human power (Man power) and handcraft work at all! Definitely they got a technology, I mean they had something that we don't know!
Anyway, these ancient statue is lucky to be at British museum! Otherwise that f#$king ISIS destroyed a lot of mysterious to the ground in last couple of years time! When I see how they bombed or hammered them, it feels me like they hammered to my heart :/
I like that photography #1, it feels me like, "Hey dude nice to meet you at Steemit!"


You make some good points!

I think that the "history" (so called) that I was taught in high school, and is propagated by archaeologists and historians to this day, is just as much nonsense as are the "official" story of what happened in the 911 events and the official "story" of JFK's assasination.

The Truth will set us free.

Some stones that were moved in ancient Balbek and elsewhere cannot be moved today.

Falling for the fallacious free fall story of building 7 would be foolish!

I am very agree about your opinion

  1. Yes @kus-knee, these fragments of the statue of Amenhotep III are phenomenal and it is difficult to understand how this statue was built. However, we must keep in mind that there are many megalithic structures and statues all over the world. My opinion is that they were made by the people in that area with simple methods, but of course I don't know how. I don't think they were made by giants, they should have found their skeletons in the area.
  2. Of course! The pre-antic and ancient civilizations are the most exciting in the history of mankind.
  3. No, I don't think I would like it. I like the mystery and the fact that it makes us dream, imagine things and facts that are probably more spectacular than they really were.
    Excellent theme, I enjoyed thinking about what you asked us!

Nice deep comments! So interesting to ponder. This is an area that I research often and enjoy reading about.

I have read too much about these, unfortunately I do not find time anymore.

this is a very great statue.your selecting always arhitechtural place just impressible.obviously your good shot protography of travelling anytime giving best idea about trip. its reallt amazing and i see this very nice civilization...i am really enjoying your fun travel trip. Gorgeous are a big genious in this community.always describing perfect method with proper style photography fantastic collection.thanks to sharing for your great post with us.its just brilliant.very well done.take care yourself and best of luck of your great work.may god bless best wishes anytime with you.i want you stayed always live long happily in your whole life.keep it up.see you again. my dear good friend.. @kus- knee

Thanks for your nice words!

I think the tech back in those days is hidden from the common man of today. Not to say it didn't happen the way they want us to believe it but I think it was done differently.

There is some evidence for precision machining tools.

I have always been boggled by such construction. The weight of the things, the size, the everything! That is a magnificent statue!

I'm still looking for answers!

The head and hand show art of man who made it a long time ago...that is right old is gold...

it is very beautiful photography! enjoy traveling

Indeed it i large. So were the pyramids of Egypt. It is my belief that it was not slave labor that built the great structures but rather the Goliath type people of that day. This would take us back to pre flood era of Noah. And even before back to the days of Enoch and Genesis 6. Some folks believe that fallen angels mated with human women and produced the goliaths and oversized giants who could have made such masterpieces and wonders of our world. Thanks @kus-knee as it is intriguing.

You refer to the Nephilim. When I visited Sardegna the people there speak a lot about these giants.

We do not know how Edward Leedskalnin, the Coral Castle builder, moved stones weighing 27 tons, that was evidently the largest, to build his castle. If we can not figure out how someone moved rocks that size by himself, in the dark, (evidently he did most of his building and moving of rocks at night so people would not know how he did it). it is unlikely we will solve any of the real heavy lifter questions of the past.

But always curious about the loss of knowledge.

Yes, I've seen much about this Coral Castle. Very interesting!

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