WWJD? - Mega Churches fail us during Hurricane Harvey

Remember those bracelets?

Well during Hurricane Harvey we have found that Houston's largest churches are closed. Houston's smallest churches have opened up their doors to shelter people. My question to these mega churches and their followers... WWJCD?


 Animation by the one and only @xtrodinarypilot


...mostly in Texas LOL 


That timeline is alarmingly accurate.

You are not wrong and if anyone says you are they have their priorities messed up.

Dude, it's been 3 days for me and I'm STILL laughing!

  1. Joel Osteen is no man of God.
  2. Joel Osteen does not preach the word of God.
  3. Joel Osteen's church is not the house of God.

He and other preachers like Creflo Dollar, Joyce Meyer, Jesse Duplantis, TD Jakes and John Hagee are nothing more than pseudo-gospel peddling pimps with a Sunday morning Social Club.

Do you want to know the true message of Jesus? The true message of Jesus was repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, Matthew 4:17.
Repent is a foreign word in our culture, repent means to turn away from, to go away from. To go away from what? From sin. What is sin? 1 John 3:4.

What would Jesus do? Jesus will be obedient to God's law. Want to know what God's law is? All you need to do is read Genesis through Deuteronomy, it's all contained right there.

The fake Joel Osteen He denies Christ in thought word and deed. The others probably too. Maybe they need to read and apply the scriptures. Thanks for sharing and glad to see that the family is safe.

Glad I could share my thoughts in confidence on steemit. We are definately thankful to be safe and have thr ability to help out.

Churches have no obligation to offer disaster relief. Once a church gets relatively large, they focus more on obtaining profit and publicity over Christian traditions. If mega churches do decide to help, it would only be because they are benefiting in some way. I feel these days people put way to much faith in church institutions. People need to remember that churches are business. They make money based on their amount of followers.

The purpose of this post is to point out everything you just said and promote self-reflection. Clearly you are enlightened.

Is that sarcasm? I was not try to be rude, just sharing a thought. To be honest I'm a bad curator, didn't even watch the video. Not really sure why I commented at all, oh well:)

That was not sarcasm.

Now you are really being sarcastic ;)

This post was very informative thank you for sharing
you have my upvote
Keep smiling, reading, writing and voting!!!

This is the time for them to show compassion!! Can't believe they have the audacity to not let people into the house of god!! Government should interveen!!

I'm certain some of their "members" will wake up after this.

Really i don t understand why all this ignorance??...

Neither do I. Its quite possible we will never understand.

Awesome look & good post

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