On a Saturday evening, July 21st5:30 pm, we hosted our first ever meetup. This first meetup was open to members of the medical community and so in the audience, we had a diverse group of people from Pharmacists to Doctors to Nurses and other different other stakeholders in the medical field as well as investors. We had a great number in attendance. Also, the presentations and Q&A session were very engaging as well as the networking session. We can say that the future of MDSQUARE is very promising.
Here are some highlights from the event.
C.E.O Paul Oh, making the introductory remarks and sharing the MDSQUARE story.
C.T.O Robert Hwang, explaining the platform functionality and tokenomics
He presented on how ICO PLATFORM functions to support start-ups and the role they are involved in as part of the MDSQUARE family. We recently signed an MOU of partnership with them , Read all about it here. We are more than glad to partner with them.
Dr LEE a dentist by profession also presented on the advancement of technology and blockchain in the medical field.
Some of the people in attendance snacking and networking during break time.
We are in the process of planning the second meetup, this time it will be open to the general public. Join our telegram group to stay updated on when exactly it shall be.
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We aim to significantly increase the quality and accessibility of healthcare services around the world by utilizing power of blockchain. We connect doctors and patients globally by providing opportunities and high quality service without any boundaries.