
Please do, would be lovely to meet you :-)

did i reply to you - or into the ether! lol Anyway, I just said that I a very sorry to miss this Saturday as I know half an hour's conversation would clear up lots of stuff...

Yes, I can see your reply. Absolutely, we're happy to help get you started and clear up some of the concepts.

Ah thank you - I was wondering (this is cheeky) since I can't get to the meetup on Saturday would it be possible to maybe chat with you on the phone at some stage or grab a coffee...

Sure. Are you free on Sunday?

I'm actually working at a hunter trials on Sunday so I am out of action - however, I am up doing my radio show on Monday morning at 11am in Dublin City Fm - maybe you are around - are you based in Dublin? The radio station is in East Wall Road but I could travel anywhere afterwards...

Let's continue this conversation by text/whatsapp/telegram.

I just sent you my phone number by transfer. You should see it on your wallet page if you're logged in.

Thank you - I see you are well established here - I am thoroughly enjoying it but it is confusing at lots of junctures! Shame that I cannot make it - cos I am sure thirty minutes chatting would clear up a lot of my confusion...

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