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RE: Introduce Yourself In The Comments.. Meet Others and Compare Interests.

in #meetup6 years ago

Hi all! I initially came here as a means to earn some crypto but it’s evolved into so much more than that, leaving it behind so many other benefits.

I’d say the majority of the pieces deal with the world of comics and toys...movies and television. Things along that nature. I’m a giant child that’s made a few films and owns a comic and toy shop so those things along with my animals, and family & friends are what keeps me waking up in the morning.

I’m very active here so if any of that stuff interests ya, please feel free to hit me up and talk about some nerd shit. Check out my profile and see if any of my nonsense tickles your fancy. Would love to meet some fans who maybe lost their passion along the way or have never even considered picking up a comic. You’d be surprised how much you might enjoy it!!



If you own a toy shop , do u have the ability to MAKE toys? or u just resell them?

because we have a HUGE potential demand for steem toys, plastic steem logo figurines with arms and legs than you can adjust and move... (Imagien a steemlogo a btc and an eos and bitshares logo all just hangin out on your dekstop like office toys ! :D ) and steem buttons stickers, but especially likl steem logos in 3d plastic injected molded, we just need lots of lil steem logos evrywhere

That's a great idea!

Sadly I just own the shop that sells toys. Buuuuuut...Steemit’s very rockstar @saywha just got a 3D printer. Perhaps he could weigh in a bit??

Haha, a giant child should fit right in. I've already started to get used to seeing your name around. You I suspect will do well!

Thank so much!! Yeah I’ve seen yours as well since I’ve been on here which is about 3 months. I’m trying to connect with folks. Happy with the progress I have made so far. The community I’m in for the most part is pretty small but really supportive. We all look out for each other here. Sucks to see involvement decrease though when the price tanks a bit. I’m trying to take adbantage of it by churning out stuff on the regular. Thanks for the follow. I look forward to chatting with ya more but for now I’m going to bed. Lol. I just wrote and posted a long and mentally exhausting piece. Drained. G’night!!!!

Hi there! @blewitt I just sent you a free booster pack of Steem Monster cards! You can go to to open them up! I think you will love them, it is a new collectible trading card game with battles coming soon on the Steem blockchain! There is also a Discord you will like once you get into the Monsters!

Yeah I’ve seen it around but don’t normally play. I’ve been interested to at least check it out so I know a bit about it. So thank you! I truly appreciate this gesture. I’ll let you know this week when I finally sit down and check it out! You rule!

We have a saying around here, " Come for the money, stay for the community" ....

Stay for the Crypto and Community :)

Thats my mantra too :) we want more people like this! Those who come for the money and stay for the money are often a drain on the system :P

That’s pretty much what’s it’s become. Don’t get me of the goals is to build up my account to where it allows me freedoms to do the things I want and envision but it’s become so much more than that. The satisfaction I get when someone actually likes something I contributed is fantastic.

You own a toy shop? - Do you have military miniatures (plastic? airfix or revell - lots of others)
Did I ask you this already, sorry?

My current military figures are bamboo chopsticks, painted! (I kid you not)
😂 😂

daily patriot.jpg

That’s awesome! I have 0 talent when it. Ones to this kind of stuff. I love seeing it though.

Sadly our shop isn’t really a hobby shop but more of a comic book and toy store. Action figures, funko pops, statues, t-shirts, graphic novels. Things like that. We don’t really do the models. Hell, even gaming we are very limited with as there are so many gaming shops in our area.

Those are so awesome!

...talking about nerd shit - could you recommend a good program for drawing hex campaign maps (idiot proof, and free - I'll be using it) is where I disappoint you! That is some next level nerd shit that I know nothing about sadly. My brain is filled with tons of useless geek stuff but that...I am clueless on. I’m so sorry. I blewitt.

😂😂👍 👍
daily patriot.jpg

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