Meditation , because some questions can't be answered by google!


As Western culture, we have learned to live at fast speeds and anxious rhythms, even in moments of relaxation our mind runs into desires, problems and thoughts. Do you know that even when we sleep in our minds, we can make plans, archive and To prepare situations? So how can a man, accustomed to such rhythms, be able to pause the mind and go into a state of inertia and deactivation of his senses while everything is running around him? Believe me, however difficult it may seem, you can do it!
But why do we say yes to meditation and close the door to the madness of our lives? The benefits of meditation, as has been proven and continues to be proven by science, is multiple.

On a physical level:

Through deep and proper breathing, you increase the circulation of oxygen to the muscles, resulting in reduced muscle tension and fatigue.
It has been shown to help reduce high blood pressure due to its relaxation and stress reduction.
Strengthens the immune system.
It reduces chronic pain, headaches and helps insomnia.
Through relaxation, it increases energy.

At an emotional level:

It helps to control intense emotions such as anger, nerves, anxiety.
It gives you the necessary time and calm to revise a thought and handle a difficult situation.
By focusing inwardly, within yourself you clarify your true feelings towards the outside world.
You learn to handle any emotional problems so as not to interfere with your inner peace and tranquility

Mental benefits:

It improves concentration and creativity.
It reduces stress and gives you peace of mind

Intellectual Benefits:

It leads you to another view of the self, more essential than your materialist substance.
It helps you gain more self-awareness and a sense of purpose in life.
Through meditation, you are released from the past and the expectations of the future, concentrating your energy on here and now.
Meditation will put you on exploration paths and the darkest point of your self. Only then will you know who you really are.

All this does not come in one day meditation is a continuous process that evolves while helping you evolve. The more you learn and observe yourself through meditation, the deeper your practice in meditation will be. Let's see how we will start without disappointment and give up.

First you have to understand that something magical will not happen when you sit down to meditate for the first time! Nothing will happen, it is most likely to run your mind into thoughts, to feel that you are sitting uncomfortably and getting bored. Do not be disappointed ... most of us feel something like that sometimes, even if we do years of meditation. You have to think of your mind as another organ you need to train and believe me to be the most complex and versatile organ. Just as every workout is not perfect and many times after the end of the exercise you do not feel any terrible change and renewal, but your body has taken the message and works from within to change and strengthen, so it is with the Meditation. Second, do not expect to stop thinking and there is zero in your mind, at least not from the beginning. Seriously now, this is very difficult, and most give up because they think they will end up in ecstasy from the first time they will sit in a lotus position and meditate! We said, learning how to meditate is a process; first you will learn to relax, then observe your thoughts and slowly dislodge them, then concentrate and slowly turn off one's senses so that you reach the point To be cut off from the outside world and to dive into your inner self. Once you realize these in a theoretical part, start:

Choose a place to relax and be your meditation point. Make sure that no external sounds are heard and that you are not distracted, it is very important to close your cell phone. At first you will meditate only there to make it easier for your mind to relax, since it will recognize the place and there will be peace. You will be able to meditate on the road along the way.
Make sure to meditate at the same time every day. This will be easier to get into your program, and in the long run your body will ask for it, as it happens when we eat every day at the same time that we feel hungry at the time. Using the same place and the same time each day helps the mind to calm down faster.
Sit comfortably with your back to the wall for the beginning, and with your feet stretched so that you do not hurt. The point is to feel completely comfortable so you do not focus your attention on your body during meditation.
For starters, just breathed. You inhale and exhale all the air. Focus on your exhalation so it lasts. Try to observe only this, try to count in circles from 10-0 for each breath you complete (breath-inspiration). If your mind insists on thinking different, do not interfere, leave it and just notice it. Do not judge, do not try to answer your thoughts. Just let them pass.
Try to do this 3-5 minutes the first time. Believe me is enough. You do not have to sit with the hours at the meditation stand to relax your mind and just a few minutes.
Follow this way for at least 20-30 days, gradually increasing the time you meditate.!

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