The brutal mirror What the psychedelic drug ayahuasca showed me about my life.
When I finally puked on the fourth night, I felt an odd sense of pride.
Inside the loud, stuffy ceremony room, people were laughing, crying, chanting, gyrating, and, yes, vomiting, around me. When my time finally comes, I think: Just aim for the bucket and keep your ass above your head like the shaman told you.
I try to wipe my face but can’t grab the tissue paper because it melts every time I reach for it. Nearby, a man starts to scream. I can’t make out what he’s saying on account of the shaman singing beautiful Colombian songs in the other room.
I finish vomiting and start crying and laughing and smiling all at Read more
Sounds like an intense experience 😲 Your title reminds me of the movie Annihilation that was just released, it seemed to have many parallels to the dark side of psychedelia. Maybe check it out!