Ho'oponopono : Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len
Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len
The lifestory of dr. Len is known all over the world: he worked as klinic shrink and one day he was asked for his help as leading man of a psychiatric clinic in a facility on Hawai. It is a fact that in this facility there was a very bad energy and danger was lurking behind every corner, and so the employers came working every day in fear.
Often they where absent and shrinks did'nt stay very long.
With this in mind dr. Len accepted the function.
He asked the files of all patients and before he retreated in his office he persist to leave him alone because he did not find it relevant to see the sick. A strange attidtude for a shrink but they respected his wishes.
The days past by and after approximaly 3 months they noticed the enerdy and the relationships between the patients changed bit by bit and they tolded this to Dr. Len. They asked him what he did, so alone in his office because they where intiged by his way of working.
Dr. Len explained that he purified the memory's he shared with the patients, or more precise, wich he had shared with every patient when he had there file in front of him.
"then how do you do it?"
Dr Len explained he had purified the memory's he had shared with every patient just by repeating: 'I am sorry, forgive me, thank you, I love you'
He answered: ' I just repeat these 4 phrases: 'I am sorry, forgive me, thank you, I love you'.
" And that is all?"
"That is all."
For a timespan of 4 years he stayed in that function, but after that the facility closed its doors.
There were simply no more patients left. They were or completly healed or there presence was'nt required anymore.
What happened
When he talks about every person he has healed, Dr. Len explains that he healed the part of himself that had created them. He ads that everything that happens in our lifes, is our own responsibilit. This means that everything that is shown to our 5 senses, the world which surounds us , is our own creation. So if something from outside bothers you, you take responsibility to heal the memory's in yourself wich created this world, to change the world.
Keep our health in everything....
Success is always for you @brothermic....
Thanks is for you @brothermic....
Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len is really a great person..
May God grant him heaven
indeed, he did wonderfull things!
best job.
thanks :)
This means that everything that is shown to our 5 senses.
please vote back,, help me
aahaaa! He has said a very huge thing in such a small sentence . #love it .. "everything that happens in our lives, is our own responsibility." Yeah what goes around comes around . @brothermic Nice post . I search Dr Len..
Just amazing
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@brothermic payed 1.0 SBD to @minnowbooster to buy a stealth upvote.

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Wow this was so amazing to read. I am familiar with Ho'oponopono, but I had no idea of this touching and inspiring story. Heart is really feeling this right now. Thanks so much for sharing!!!