Understanding one’s self, a path to sovereignty.

in #meditation5 years ago

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Reaching sovereignty trough truth

In our daily lives we experience trials. Within these experiences of reality we come to know ourselves better. In our experience of reality we are one being. This very being has its own path, its own story and reasons for expressing it's self. This path is unique, and has a potential to make you grow. We come to know our selves better if we bring conscious light in to the darkness of our mind. The rewards we reap from this will be sovereignty. In this article I show you a way of doing this.

Believe without understanding a route for the ignorant.

Often we listen to other people, and are tempted to identify the truth of what others say. And although people have their good reasons for saying one thing or another. Those people also believe in what others say based upon fallacious philosophy’s. Identifying the truth in this manner will lead to a culmination of erroneous information in the form of believable illusions. Nature is then eager to set us right; expects us to understand the meaning of these illusions in the art of suffering and truth seeking. Our actions come into line with our beliefs and desires after a period of seeking truth. Bringing the psyche and body in alignment. This will free the individual to a sovereign state, for it now does exactly what it want’s to do.

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Ralph Emerson knew this concept by heart and mind, and wrote in his must read essay on self reliance.

“Their every truth is not quite true. Their two is not the real two, their four not the real four; so that every word they say chagrins us, and we know not where to begin to set them right”

Ralph Emerson | Self reliance

Bringing in alignment is the essence of “know thy self”. Where one starts to understand there psychological repressions. Repression is a mental action where the psyche hides a mental structure from our awareness by forcefully pushing it away or ignoring it. The concept ‘out of sight out of mind’ comes ironically to my mind. Repressing a thought does not neglect the suffering, it only blinds it temporarily from the observer. You may akin it to thermodynamics, where energy of thought is never lost and only transformed. If ignored, this energy is asserted in to anger, frustration, sadness or even physical actions. When energy becomes invisible it forms unrecognizable desires which we often disdain. But desires are desires, and are therefore desired to be fulfilled. That is the nature of beingness. Such desires are experienced like being a play ball of sin. In where we experience a lack of freedom and autonomy. It is within it’s suffering that a new desire find it's way. This would be the desire for truth.

Two approaches among many others

In this article I limit myself to two approaches. Some would name them the feminine and masculine approach. Both are equally important, serve each other and need to be practiced in daily meditation and contemplation. Within this form of contemplation the observer becomes familiar with the mechanical neurological expressions that forms the clockworks of the mind. The feminine approach has a more direct feeling but no understanding of what is felt. It will heal the mind, but will not solve the problem. The masculine approach will not heal the mind directly, but will solve the problem so that it can heal and sustain it self. In the end, the feminine approach is better for trauma or build up tensions. The masculine is better in solving issues and spiritual growth.

Feminine approach

Let’s begin with the feminine approach. This approach requires a trained meditated state. The trick here is to let thoughts come and go. Thoughts have a tendency to suck up your attention. Most will try to force the mind in to silence, but this will be a form of repression and self rejection. Try to observe. Don’t force interaction. the mind is like a thundering train coming to a hold without using force

Your body is interconnected with the nervous system, making it physically react upon the mental torment that is for now still invisible to awareness. Such reactions are either lingering and the pain it forms is what we would call 'mental baggage'. psychologically speaking, we could say that the person in question has build up a learned neural structure. This is often done in favor for ignoring any forms of trigger which relates to past trauma and therefore discomfort. However, these triggers are the keys to a gateway of healing. let's see how this works. Triggers can be activated via introspection or external/internal stimuli. And there feeling can be focused upon by placing attention on the body. This searching for feeling forms a potential exhaust for the energy to be released. A bit like steam released of a kettle that had been boiling for years. Within the feminine approach you try not to understand or conceptualize the pain with the talking mind, but you keep your attention on the feeling. You can cry. You can shout, You can let everything out.

Masculine approach

After you are done I advice you to start writing about the feelings and experience you had. If you’ve felt nothing, then this is fine as well, there are no mistakes. Only feedback. The goal of keeping logs is to nestle knowledge about yourself. Over time you’ll spot patterns of thoughts, these are clues of unsolved psychological knots.

The masculine approach will be the intellectual approach to understanding. Here we decide to connect the dots, solve our paradoxes, contradictions, ask questions, seek answers and find knowledge and wisdom. This is the sustainable approach. It is within understanding one’s self that we can sustain our higher developed consciousness and this we could consider spiritual growth. Our external experience is bounded by law. Because of this we have to deal with the feedback and truth of life. However, let me state that you are not your thoughts, but every thought has a relation to you. For you have had the thought in the first place. Within the masculine approach we try to understand why thought and suffering has formed a specific way.

So how does one intellectually comes to understand himself or herself? This cannot be easily explained. However, there are directions you could approach. These directions should be giving you the knowledge based upon your needs. Contemplating and understanding truth. Understanding objectivity and subjectivity helps significantly. Meditating and logging are ways to recognize thought patterns. These will help you map out your own mind. Within contemplation one can answer honestly why things happened in a particularly way. Being brutally honest with yourself means not focusing on the negative or the positive as a bias, but rather on what is objectively true. Truth therefore is neutral, it is being itself. This will shine light upon your relation with a desired outcome. And also shines light upon yourself that desire this outcome.

Dealing with the shadow is a combination of both approaches. There are more tools out there, and I would gladly like to share those in further articles. But for now I wish you all good luck on your journey in finding the light that guides.

Thanks for reading, have a fruitful day.

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