RE: Medicine Card Monday # 25 "Animal Spirit - Cheetah": My Gift To Steemit - Week Of October 22 , 2018
Either I know the right time to check in on your readings or you are as intuitive as I believe you are. Maybe both. Every time I stop in on these posts I always take something away from it. There is always a very solid reality or prevalence to my life at the moment. En lieu of my Mindfulness post, this is dead on. At least I feel it is.
The sun doesn't shine onto the cheetah, it shines from inside this great creature and expands outward to brighten the universe. The energy within a cheetah personality is palpable to others, and they naturally attract an audience to bear witness to their remarkable achievements. Purpose and passion are the best fuel for a cheetah's forward momentum,
Really seems to hold true. From comments others have made to me lately no just on Steemit it fits. I know I don't see myself this way, many of my friends do and keep telling me I need to see the part of myself.
Great pull!! @eaglespirit 💜💜
yea no kidding! haha you catch it right as it comes out. glad you caught the cheetah and the blessing. :)
let me know if you need help with RC too.