RE: Medicine Card Monday #21 "Animal Spirit - The Bee": My Gift To Steemit - Week Of September 24, 2018
FOR TSE: Don't you love upvotes that come with a "disclaimer?" I upvoted you but I don't know if this post is worth anything or not. Maybe someone else will flag it instead. Have a good day.
Yeah, that's the kind of compliment that makes you feel warm and fuzzy all over.
Anyway ... Yay!! Medicine Card Monday!!! And I can't think of a more appropriate symbol with all the stuff going on this week than the bee. People working like crazy to keep things running smoothly ... and feeling overworked and annoyed is a real possibility!
My Tarot card for the week -- something I do for myself every Sunday -- talked about needing to get back in touch with my creative center and work from it more.
It all fits somehow. Nicely, in fact. (And some people think this stuff is baloney. HA!!)
yeah i'm not sure what that was about re: the disclaimer ...
Yay, so glad you liked this medicine card and kinda spooky since it all came true. freaks me out a little bit.
very cool that you do a tarot every week on sunday ... love that !:)
do they mostly come true? over 90% of the time?
you and i are on the right track ... love that we are in TSU together too. xo
I've thought about doing a Spiritual Sunday post using Tarot, etc. But people get all exercised if you post more than once a day. And to build the kind of blog I really want, I need to be able to post about three times a day. That's something I may do on that "other platform" we just joined. Ssssshh! (It's also why I want to open some other accounts.) If they throw me off there I guess I haven't lost much. I'm still trying to work all this out.
no thats not true, Task encourages 2 a day to build our accounts. i would say 2 is the max. i went overboard with 3-5 a day before. plus i'm figuring out what makes a quality post more and more. it might be finally clicking and i will start my dbook soon.
i agree with the 3 times a day, totally. i support you 100 percent!!
bahaahahah you joined!! o emmmm geee bahaahah
they won't throw you off, they actually arent' so bad and if it takes 3-6 months as they project to get on the market we may be dolphins by that time on that "other platform."
glad you joined!! yay!!