Medicine Card Monday #15 "Thunder"- My Gift To Steemit - For The Week Of August 13, 2018



Happy Monday Steem Fam,

This week I'm getting settled into my new home and fortunate to bring this week's Medicine Card Monday to you in a timely manner. I started this blog with a video explanation as to what thunder actually is from a weather channel. The video is a great quick review, as to the scientific explanation of thunder.

Let's read further on down as to what message we got for healing this week in terms of the word thunder.

All of my readings are geared towards a healing; breaking through mental, spiritual, or emotional blocks that will assist us in overcoming every day obstacles.


If this is your first time swinging by, my Medicine Card Monday initiative is my positive intention to pull a card of healing or medicine for the community. This is different than tarot in that the cards I use are on the medicinal aspect of humanity other than the most common cards found in a tarot deck.

The decks I use are The Wild Unknown - Animal Spirit, Mystical Shaman Oracle, and the Chakra Wisdom Oracle. The cards will assist in helping those interested, find comfort in things going on in our community and the world we are now dealing with. Namely, issues around the world, astronomical, or overcoming health issues of all sorts, etc., maybe just something out of balance that we are feeling on any particular day that needs guidance.

By pulling a card for Steemit this will in turn assist with my Medicine training, give back to the community, and help those seeking answers. I will take some of the reading from guidebooks provided with the cards, but primarily give intuitive and medicinal words to help our community. We all have days when we need encouragement, inspiration, and comfort.

The Card - Thunder

Photo taken by @eaglespirit

The card I pulled was number 56 - Thunder from the Mystical Shaman Oracle deck.

Today, I'm going to share a Native American legend with you instead of giving you the full meaning and allow your mind to digest some of the symbolism associated with thunder.

Native American Thunder & Lightning Legend- "The The Thunder and Lightning Men"

This is truly an old Indian story of old time. Once an Indian was whirled up by the roaring wind: he was taken up in a thunder-storm, and set down again in the village of the Thunders. In after-times he described them as very like human beings: they used bows and arrows (tah-bokque), and had wings.

But these wings can be laid aside, and kept for use. And from time to time their chief gives these Thunders orders to put them on, and tells them where to go. He also tells them how long they are to be gone, and warns them not to go too low, for it is sure death for them to be caught in the crotch of a tree.

The great chief of the Thunders, bearing of the stranger's arrival, sent for him, and received him very kindly, and told him that he would do well to become one of them. To which the man being willing, the chief soon after called all his people together to see the ceremony of thunder-fying the Indian.

Then they bade him go into a square thing, or box, and while in it he lost his senses and became a Thunder. Then they brought him a pair of wings, and he put them on. So he flew about like the rest of the Thunders; he became quite like them, and followed all their ways.

And he said that they always flew towards the sou' n' snook, or, south, and that the roar and crash of the thunder was the sound of their wings. Their great amusement is to play at ball across the sky. When they return they carefully put away their wings for their next flight. There is a big bird in the south, and this they are always trying to kill, but never succeed in doing so.

They made long journeys, and always took him with them. So it went on for a long time, but it came to pass that the Indian began to tire of his strange friends. Then he told the chief that he wished to see his family on earth, and the sagamore listened to him and was very kind. Then he called all his people together, and said that their brother from the other world was very lonesome, and wished to return.

They were all very sorry indeed to lose him, but because they loved him they let him have his own way, and decided to carry him back again. So bidding him close his eyes till he should be on earth, they carried him down.

The Indians saw a great thunder-storm drawing near; they heard such thunder as they never knew before, and then something in the shape of a human being coming down with lightning; then they ran to the spot where he sat, and it was their long-lost brother, who had been gone seven years.

He had been in the Thunder-world. He told them how he had been playing ball with the Thunder-boys: yes, how he had been turned into a real Thunder himself.

This is why the Indians to this very day have a firm belief that the thunder and lightning we hear and see are caused by (beings or spirits) (called) in Indian Bed-day yek (or thunder), 1 because they see them, and have, moreover, actually picked up the bed-dags k'chisousan, or thunder-bullet. It is of many different kinds of stone, but always of the same shape. The last was picked up by Peter Sabattis, one of the Passamaquoddy tribe. He has it yet. He found it in a crotch-root of a spruce-tree at Head Harbor, on the island of Campobello. This stone is a sign of good-luck to him who finds it.

The thunder is the sound of the wings of the men who fly above. The lightning we see is the fire and smoke of their pipes.

The Message


The Essence

Legends speak of great Thunder Beings who live in the sky and call for your attention when great occurrences are meant to happen in the world. They warn when tensions in a situation are called upon to be released. Their presence in your reading reminds you of the dramatic moments in life that change everything. both awesome and frightening when Thunder arrives, it is also a wake-up call, one that you will not soon forget.

The Invitation

When Thunder comes into your reading, it refers to a big dramatic change that feels like a herd of wild bison on the run. You feel it right through your bones, and you know that you are powerless to influence whatever events have been set in motion. This is a time to be prepared for anything. Your life is an adventure, and wonderful opportunities are arriving now. The trick is to learn to run with them. Qualities that you'll need now more than ever are flexibility, dexterity, and a willingness to experience it all without dictating from where or in what from opportunities will come. Your destiny is arriving. Be ready!

The Medicine

Do you feel unnecessary drama is waylaying your life? Could you be exhausted from listening to others tell you their never-ending victim story, or could you be telling yourself a version of the same? It's time for an about-face; you're being warned that to continue on this path will cause you to regret your choices, even if they appear benign or familiar. It's time to say no to drama, both yours and others'. Focus on solutions rather than problems. You are worthy of a drama-free life.


The truth of the matter is that we all have a little drama now and again, even @enchantedspirit has a lot to say about retrogrades Mercury Retrograde in Leo -- until August 18, energy It's Astro-Logical -- practical advice for conscious living -- Issue #15, the planets When Mars is in Aquarius -- until mid-November 2018 and What Venus in Libra brings to life -- relationships founded on harmony, fairness and cooperation. Let's not forget the new moon The New Moon in Leo 2018 -- Part 1
! That is if you are into astrological readings ... no pressure.

So, yes we have a lot going on even in our solar system let alone our daily life and then there is Steemit. Where we are hopefully creating without copying ideas, getting flagged, or acting out negatively on Discord, blogs, or comments. The idea here is to remain drama-free. Step away from jealousy, envy, nepotism, favoritism and get our true self out there with integrity.

If we are in for a big change, then accept the change with open arms -- it's better to be prepared when things happen so take it easy by getting rest, daily exercise, sunlight, drinking healthy water and food, if you meditate then do so. Be well.


Eagle Spirit

I hope you liked the reading for this week. If so, please leave a comment below. I'd love to hear what you think (but not if you think it's all BS!) That's typical Eagle Spirit humor right there.

If you would like a personal Medicine Card reading:

  • Send 2 STEEM or 2 SBI per card.

  • Choose a deck and spread: Animal Spirit (1, 2, 3, 4, or 13 card spread), Chakra Wisdom (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 7 card spread), or Mystical Shaman Oracle (1, 3, or 4 card spread.)

  • Each person is given a special one-on-one healing energy session with a reading sent from a Reiki Master Teacher (that be me), and a Native American ceremony is included.

  • Photos will be provided and explained. Please do not share these publicly.

You can find me on Discord under the name Eagle Spirit #4491, or through the group @ifc Marketplace under Eagle Spirit's energy work channel.

Have a glorious week and come back next Monday for another Medicine Card reading! Peace.

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Thank you for stopping by to read my blog. I’m a First Nation member of the Hopi & Apache Native American tribes, Medicine woman in-training, first time blogger since November 2017, (right here on Steemit), paralegal, researcher, and writer based in the Mountains of Colorado, USA. I work closely with fellow planktons and minnows in a few groups by helping them adjust to Steemit and curate quality content. I’m especially interested in finding others who love natural medicine originating from ancient practices, gold and silver, energy work, and the spirit world. Additionally, I'm the creator of #MedicineCardMonday, so if you are interested in receiving a Native American blessing stop by my blog every Monday, or just say hello!
See you soon, @eaglespirit


Eagle Spirit’s Disclaimer
Energy therapy is a natural method of energy balancing, but is not meant as a substitute for medical, or psychological diagnosis and treatment.
Energy practitioners do not diagnose conditions, nor do they perform medical treatment, prescribe substances, or interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional.
Energy therapy or any other natural healing therapy should not compete with medical doctors and their treatments. All therapies are meant to complement medical treatments.
If you wish to learn more about energy work or the methods I use to assist others in Native American medicine practices feel free to contact me privately.


To listen to the audio version of this article click on the play image.

Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvoting this reply.

So, yes we have a lot going on even in our solar system let alone our daily life and then there is Steemit. Where we are hopefully creating without copying ideas, getting flagged, or acting out negatively on Discord, blogs, or comments. The idea here is to remain drama-free. Step away from jealousy, envy, nepotism, favoritism and get our true self out there with integrity.

This is so true. Cannot agree more with you

thank you for agreeing :)

Thank you once again @eaglespirit!

I once got really close to getting a lightning bolt straight to the dome/brain, it came out of the "hub" (this was before wireless internet), kind of swopped around the room and there was this thunder-ball and it just stopped infront of my face, and then disapeared... Weird for sure...

interesting experience FF! did you feel that in the message too? 😂😂😂

"You are worthy of a drama-free life"
I liked that part...

To be honest @eaglespirit, your "thunder" message resonates with me and so does the medicine, interesting mythology about the thunder-people, is that Apache oral history or just kind of inter-tribal knowledge?

yes oral history and i almost mentioned it but the thunder people deserves its own blog :)

I heard something similar, in lore concerning Quetzalcoatl, the wings rings a bell, but not thunder... I can't remember now...

What is your take on the thunder people?

Do you believe in supernatural beings? Inter-dimensional? Or do you think the legends could have described real world events like a long journey to a foreign land/culture? Or is it Aliens?

LMAOOOO this must be the second time i saw this meme this week ... bwahahahahah you kill me ahahahaahah

ps. if you wanna chat in discord please find me. that's a lot of questions and i posted something about aliens recently and my thoughts on that. :)

Hello @eaglespirit! That's a funny meme...
I love your card readings, and such energy!
I would LOVE to see/read your posts on aliens!
Thanks for all your hardwork!

but I am not a fan of discord, someone tried to hack my account and I just don't feel safe there... I know you probably love discord, so sorry... There are better encrypted alternatives that don't steal your information and such, read article below, I am looking into one of those:

I love your wisdom. I think I may have been born to the wrong world. Searching for my purpose and trying to have a positive impact in the mean time

aww you are so very kind and i know i need to come visit you. so sorry for the delay! hugs

No worries. Life happens. I think it would be cool to meet. I would love to learn more about your gifts and the medicine you practice.

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This messages is not intended to be spam, but to inform you of your inclusion in our project. You have the option to delegate to @earthtribe for higher % up-votes on your conscious articles, but this is not required. Thank you for being an amazing human that is looking out for the Earth and everything on it. Please contact ELAmental#2433 on Discord to be invited into the @earthtribe discord server, so you can further connect and thrive with our tribe. Blessings my friend!

THIS is good content. I can never get enough of this type of information. Feels so right. ~RESPECT~

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