consume guanabana, delicious tropical fruit.

Exceptional source of vitamins and minerals, the guanabana has an endless number of therapeutic and medicinal properties. It contains iron, magnesium, potassium and vitamins B and C. You can consume it like any other fruit in juice or tea, it is made from its leaves. Of course, you should not ingest it in excess due to its high intake of carbohydrates in our diet.

Among its benefits-highlighted by pages dedicated to natural medicine-stand out the following:
· Antibacterial
· Anticancer
· Fight asthma
· Combat hypertension
· Fight diabetes
· Protects the immune system
· Deflates the colon
· Lowers cholesterol and triglycerides
· Fortifies intestinal flora
· Helps to stabilize liver functions
The juice of the soursop fruit is often used as a diuretic. People residing within South America, the regions of Central America and Mexico also use juice for other conditions, such as scurvy and dysentery. The bark, leaves and root parts of the tree can be used as a sedative / tranquilizer and are also used to treat symptoms related to diabetes.
I hope this information is of your liking and benefit ... greet you @gladiador