Disinformation as Chi Poison
Preparing medicine from many phyto-chemical sources, in the present case information is sourced and prepared.
Information was used to poison chi channels (dim mak), it can also be used to recover from the blocked or damaged energy conduits of the nervous system (chi gong/kung).
Even the monks seem somehow darker than I remember, two decades later. After the war that did not happen, according to news media and those it convened.
Really? ..teaching this to the complacent and awful as part of their yearly combatives training requirement. ETHICS better be the focus this time, that white-supremacist paramilitary training they had during the two previous decades was a BLOODY ripoff.
Aha, the information contained in the official documents will not be equivalent to the corporate media disinformation that defence dollars paid for. Money that was eventually funnelled to an American company with a subsidiary organisation located in the Cayman islands (fiscal paradise and stash for pirated loot).
Those brave North Americans handed over their employer's documentation for public scrutiny without prior consent. The true problem being, the suppression of facts and intent concerning any organisation, ensures failure to denounce injustice. The failure to denounce also prevents contribution, neglected improvement to standard operating procedures instigated harm and loss.