Big Medical Words, or: Holy Bovine, What's Wrong With Me?
Well, bad news on the medical front, as I went to the doctor Wednesday and was diagnosed with bilateral Eustachian salpingitis, which has effected my balance and hearing a little. He gave me a shot of Kenalog--which was a butt load of fun--and started me on antibiotics, and has high hopes that I'll recover.
(Just to be clear, the doctor's name is not Wednesday--that's the day I saw him.)
It's related to my biannual sinusitis, which is itself worsened by rhinitis. I haven't gotten the sinusitis nearly as often since my sinus surgery, but when I do get it, I get it good. By which I mean bad. By which I mean last week was kind of awful.
You remember my sinus surgery, right? This is the dog taking care of me afterward. For some reason, at that moment I was having difficulty breathing.
If I don't make it, I'd like everyone to help support my widow by buying our books. A lot.
Always be closing, as the sales people say.
Anyway, happy Easter! And no, if you're thinking it, it's not an April Fool's Day joke: I really do have bilateral Eustachian salpingitis.
It means pressure on my eardrums.