RE: Day of Surgery; Pre op, Post op and post post op, then home again home again jiggety jig
Tuesday and Wednesday were the bad days, Monday (surgery) was a breeze by comparison.
You see, when I left the hosp to come home, I had paper prescriptions for pain meds, but no meds, and not really any way to get them filled.
I'm at odds with my VA Primary Care (where the meds would be free) and IF
The VA filled them, it might be (as far as I knew then) 7-10 days before I got
So I went to Kroger and paid for them out of pocket,(not nearly as expensive
As I would have thought) In the meantime, I had scanned the paper scripts and
Sent them on to the VA anyway.
They said they would fill them and the narcotics would be delivered TODAY via
UPS. If it all comes through, I will have double coverage (a no no, but still)
I slept most of Wed and today, and I'm getting around a_LOT_ better