Pura’s Health

in #medical5 years ago (edited)

We aren’t out of the woods yet, fighting this infection requires a lot of attention and serious dedication but we’re making progress. This is an update to this article I wrote one month ago when I reached out to a bunch of virtual strangers for help—I only wish I would’ve written that thing two years ago.

Having seeked professional medical treatment from some of the finest facilities in California, two of them being UCLA and Stanford prior to leaving the US and, after nearly two years of misdiagnosis, wasted time and energy, we believe we’re finally making progress—thanks to you guys. @puravidaville complained of various pains and discomforts for a long time leading up to and upon our leaving the states. She’s been diagnosed pre-diabetic and having leaky gut syndrome, amongst a few other things but it wasn’t until I could visibly see something I finally gave it all of my attention. I try not to beat myself up about it but having heard multiple “doctors” tell her she’s ok while hearing her complain of the same symptoms at home, I was beginning to wonder if it was all in her mind. Then the “hives” made themselves visible and I finally heard her repeat what she’s been saying the whole time, “they’re wrong!” Come to find out those “hives” are actually a form of psoriasis her bodies natural immune system initiates to fight the infection they diagnosed as “leaky gut.”


There’s a lot of people to thank for the attention and concern we received on that article—your response and continued concern is humbling. We received 11 resteems and over 150 comments and suggestions, please understand how thankful I am we are for each of you—thank you! Rather than attempting to name everyone, just know it’s you I’m updating right now—your support was humbling. @scorer and @idig turned us onto some mind over matter stuff that I would’ve otherwise paid no attention to but has since been beneficial—thanks, guys! A lot of you recommended various eating habits to consider as well as a huge majority of you recommended we stop traveling for a minute and just let her rest. ‘Check, check.’ :echo: “Thank you (yes, you)!”

She’s now practicing an 80/20 keto diet and we haven’t hopped on one train or bus since we got to Rome. We’ve cancelled our traveling for now and going back to the UK, we’ll be there in less than a week, where she can receive medical attention, however, this time we’re armed with #information.

@jaguar.force has been so supportive and informative during this process, we can’t thank him enough, he and I are in communication practically every day. Like I said in the opening sentence, we aren’t out of the woods yet, and I’m greatly looking forward to releasing an article that says “she’s all healed up!” But we’re not there yet. But thanks to the effortless nature of that dude who relies on image scanning as a resource, way down in Argentina, whom we’ve never met, has shown more concern for Pura in the past four weeks than any trained medical professional has shown her in over two years, we believe we’re making progress. The earnings from this article name @jaguar.force as the beneficiary so, on behalf of him, both Pura and myself, don’t hesitate to adjust your upvote strength to 100%—thank you.

What we know so far.

“Leaky gut” or, IBS symptoms in general, have an increased profit margin from $610 million in 2010 to an estimated $2.7 billion in 2020 increasing, on average, 10% per year in an effort to reach a profit margin totalling $3.3 billion by 2026—more than cancer research. We know that 11 major pharmaceutical companies profited $85 billion in sales last year. We know that diagnostic errors in the US contribute to 10% of patient fatalities and 17% of adverse events in hospitals. We know that 1 in 3 of the top misdiagnosis in the US is Thyroid Disease. We know @puravidaville has been misdiagnosed for the past two years.

New diagnosis.

Until we get back to the UK and have her blood and biome tested, we can’t be certain, but here’s what we’re addressing. Entamoeba histolytica, in the simplest of terms, is a parasitic infection that attacks the ‘good’ bacteria in your gut and essentially renders it unconscious until eventually taking over your entire digestive system before progressing to your internal organs. It isn’t something that happens overnight, such as borders, increased taxes, inflation, etc. These things take time and have to occur gradually otherwise we’ll pay close attention at the introduction and stop it before it gets out of control. There’s numerous ways this infection can generate and, although this is speculation, we’ve since linked it to a food poisoning she and I both were recipients of approximately two years ago—apparently my body’s natural defense system put up a better fight.

What happens is, the infection disarms the good bacteria in your body and bores itself through mucus in the stomach and intestines until eventually taking over all of your vital organs destroying necessary blood cells and tissues along the way. Discomfort, digestive issues, internal pain, dry mouth, nausea after eating, headaches, foggy memory, trouble concentrating, “hives” (psoriasis) are just some of the symptoms directly linked to entomoeba hystolytica (e. hystolytica).

Plan of attack.

Resveratrol is a supplement that’s naturally produced by various plants such as raspberries, blueberries, and grapes, and is proven to attack specific pathogens such as bad bacteria and unwanted fungi.

Galangal is proven to promote digestive issues regardless of their origin while also alleviating respiratory disease and various stomach complications. Galangal is a type of plant similar to ginger and is commonly found in Thai and Vietnamese cuisine but can also be purchased as a supplement.

Liquid probiotic are live organisms consumed orally to repair an otherwise infected gut flora. When an infection has damaged the existing gut flora, probiotics have proven to be productive. They also reduce gastrointestinal discomfort and help assist the body’s natural digestive system.

Fish oil Omega-3 is a supplement someone who doesn’t consume meat can use to replace the fatty acids in the stomach that are potentially damaged by infection and are also known to reduce inflammation in the body.


Also, green tea extract in someone such as Pura, who’s blood pressure was running consistently low around 46, has proven to not only enhance mental alertness but also increase blood pressure due to its caffeine content. When battling a potential infection that aggressively attacks blood sugar levels, green tea has been clinically proven to stabelize those levels. Her blood pressure has since risen to and maintained normal levels.

Each of the five above supplements can be acquired at the majority of your health food stores as well as sold over the counter at your typical neighborhood pharmacy. In combination with eachother, they can first disorientate the infection essentially causing it to forget what it’s doing. Once it’s disoriented, the other supplements do things such as remove it and repair the damage it has caused over time—it’s a long process.

The psoriasis is still reoccurring but what once appeared every other day has since appeared every three days to currently—3n1/2 days. Although it’s extremely uncomfortable for her when it begins, they subside about an hour after she takes an antihistamine.

At this point, along with the needed blood and biome testing, we’re still missing akkermansia—a bacteria that eats gastric mucin exclusively, resulting in the repair of damaged intestinal walls. Lubiprostone or, in non-generic form, Amitiza, both of which are “no longer available in Italy,” are pharmaceutical grade medications that, when consumed, boost gastric mucin providing the akkermansia something to eat which, in this case, means repair. We’re confident we can achieve each of these things once we get back to the UK next week.


That’s the extent of our current prognosis and the steps we’re taking to battle what we believe is a bad infection that began many months ago. I’ve been meaning to update you on Pura’s condition but as you’ve just read, we’ve been attempting various forms of treatment and it has taken awhile to reach this point. I’ll keep you updated as we continue to fight this thing and thank you all for your prayers and concerns—the attention we’ve received and continue to receive has been amazing compared to that of trained medical professionals. I hope this update finds you in good health, happy new year! It’s the last day of 2019 out there (tic.. toc.. tic.. toc..)—make it count!



What a wonderful support you are to her going through this. Wishing @puravidaville well - glad you guys figured out she was misdiagnosed and really hope the new protocol helps. Keep us posted.

Thank you, @faeryboots! Thanks for reading the article, we’ve received a lot of support from this platform. Even the positive emotional responses like this are nice—thank you for being concerned, I know you have your own health issues to be worried about, we appreciate you caring about ours.

  1. This is the one, right? 👍🏿

Awe man, been away from Steemit for what feels is a long time and just seeing this. Sorry to hear about the medical issues, all the while being on the road. Sounds like you have a line on what may be going on- wishing you guys the best for the new year!

It’s a challenge, @jb450, thank you for your concern. The platform has been so supportive and helpful, it’s amazing. The prayers, the information, and kind messages like this are helpful—thank you!

So, how was it, how was being away from the platform? Was it liberating? 😉

Happy 2020, @jb450, don’t be a stranger.

Happy New Year @dandays, glad to hear you are getting some answers finally about what's up with pura. Wishing you the best in 2020.

Thank you, @farm-mom. Thank you for caring and happy new year to you guys as well. Congratulation on #7!

Lots of love from Rome. Now where’s my syrup?!

2020 is going to be awesome, I can feel the vibes.

for you

Happy new year @dandays!




@lovelemon 拧萌 在艳阳高照 骑着熊熊 给您送来

吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~


It’s a tie! 平局!再来!下回我再出拳头!

You lose! 你输了!愿赌服输,请给我点赞~

coffeea You need to own more COFFEEA (5 COFFEEA in your wallet allows you to send 1 TOKEN per day)

Hey @dandays, here is a little bit of BEER from @eii for you. Enjoy it!

I think you will be ok! It looks like you are on right track now. 🙌

When you read a lot of books and there are still a lot left, you are lost. At one of those times I just started to experiment with Pendulum. Here are two books I was given by Pendulum, when asked what should I read. 😂 At first it seemed strange for the choice, but later it cemented my opinion about health.

The Good Gut: Taking Control of Your Weight, Your Mood, and Your Long-term Health - this book is about fundamentals of your body. It does not give you quick tips for health, but a solid material of how your body is build and who is responsible for what.

Stanford University’s Justin and Erica Sonnenburg are pioneers in the most exciting and potentially transformative field in the entire realm of human health and wellness, the study of the relationship between our bodies and the trillions of organisms representing thousands of species to which our bodies play host, the microbes that we collectively call the microbiota. The microbiota interacts with our bodies in a number of powerful ways; the Sonnenburgs argue that it determines in no small part whether we’re sick or healthy, fit or obese, sunny or moody.

The Longevity Plan: Seven Lessons from the World's Happiest and Healthiest Village - this book is a study about those who actually live longer that 100+ years. How do they live, what they do and what do they eat. If the first book explains how your body works, then this second shows what to do.

His research revealed seven principles that work in tandem to create health, happiness, and longevity—rules he applied to his own life. Six months later, he’d lost thirty pounds, dropped one hundred points off his cholesterol and twenty-five points off his blood pressure, and was even cured of his acid reflux and insomnia.

We’ve learned a great deal since I released that article, @scorer. First, thank you for your concern and support. And thank you for linking those two books.

Were you aware of the ”second brain?” I’d never heard such a thing before that article. Upon investigating further, I learned the stomach actually communicates 90% of the information your body receives whereas your “brain” communicates 10%. What they refer to as the second brain has a lot more control of our functions than we ‘think.’ If that makes sense.

Floras, and biome, and panel screening, each of these plant extracts, the numerous things I mentioned in this article really made me/us dig into information. A simple reality that’s overlooked is modern medicine itself. Something we, I personally, blindly rely on has literally only been in existence for 100 years. Yet we (I) give all of our faith to it. It’s a trip man. Marketing amongst many other factors has completely perverted what we believe is beneficial. I’ll stop now before I get too carried away.

Again, thank you for caring! We both really appreciate it and thanks for continuing to support what we’re doing around here. We’ll talk to you soon, @scorer, if not sooner, I’ll see you around here somewhere next year. Happy 2020.

Happy 2020! 🥂🎉

I just want to say hope she is getting better and both of you became stronger everyday. This is life and yeah we just need to accept it and step up

Happy new year!

Thank you, @anggreklestari, I’m glad we met! Thank you for always being so supportive, you’ve had my back around this place since we met and I really appreciate it.

Happy New Year, anggreklestari! See you in 2020. ‘Tis the season to get healthy.

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So nice to see you guys, thank you for the support, @c-squared—much appreciated.

Sorry to read about Pura's illness and the frustrating attempts to find good medical help.

You may be on the right track with probiotics mentioned, resveratrol etc. If you can find sauerkraut without chemical additives and organic apple cider vinegar (with the mother) they may also help. I take my cider vinegar with a touch of unfiltered honey, or teaspoon in a glass of water that I slowly sip.

You can make your own Kraut easily enough with just cabbage, and salt in a jar. It just takes time. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=making+sauerkraut+in+mason+jars

Happy New Year to both of you (Since you're both ONE)

This is a nice surprise, how’s it goin, @angryman? What’s it like out there? You know, ‘out there,’ where Steemit isn’t? Happy New Year, good morning, whatever other cordial letters you were hoping I’d type right here. I’m glad you’re still alive!

Sir, thank you so much for being concerned. The support we’ve received from this platform has been pretty inspiring. The sour kraut is a new one, haven’t heard that yet. I, personally, love the stuff! She’s done the apple cider vinegar thing for over a year now probably, little as far as results. Man, there was even a time we carried apple cider vinegar in the trunk of the car (before we sold everything) just in case we went out to eat where she’d order a salad without dressing because of the sugar. It’s definitely worth considering again—thank you.

Great to hear from you again, @angryman, the supplements seem to be making progress but we still need some help. Thanks for reading my article, sir, don’t be such a stranger.

Well...I'm all for a Pura miraculously, speedy recovery - Howz bout a spontaneous recovery???

Good morning my friend. Some good news with Pura, at least you guys seem to be headed in the right direction.
With things getting better, maybe 2020 has a little hidden message, like maybe the doctors will have 20/20 vision when they continue to diagnose what the heck is going on with Pura.
Have a great New Year. For @farm-mom and I, 2019 is leaving with a bang. Our 7th grandchild just came into our lives 20 hours ago. We are back in NJ watching Peyton, while our son, daughter in-law, and Jordan are all doing great, following the delivery.👍
Will be in touch and all the best to the both of you.

Oh man! A big huge congratulations from Italy. How exciting. I’m one of those guys who’s little ones don’t speak to me until about age seven and then I can’t shut’em up but 7 grandchildren has got to feel special.

Thanks for taking the time to stop by article, I appreciate that. Best of wishes to you, the farm, the whole farm and everyone else who may read this.

I’ll meet you back here next year some time, @thebigsweed, happy 2020 right back atcha, sir.

Glad to hear there is some positive momentum! Wishing you both an abundance of health in 2020! (Sorry so short on my reply--dang flu has me operating at about 20% of energy but you know I'm sending 100% good vibes!)

Posted using Partiko Android

Did you just apologize for taking the time to read this and respond when you’re sick? Knock it off!

Your support has always been appreciated, Plants. Not just with this issue. But for seeing passed all of my gentle and soft, never ever rough around the edges, ever, sweet as a lime self.

Happy New Year, you and @dksart. I’ll see you around here somewhere next year.

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