Meanwhile in Seattle - Week 6
Week 6 (October 2018)
Welcome to Meanwhile in Seattle. In this series I post images and write about anything related to what's going on in Seattle, Washington and the surrounding area. It's a chance for you to catch a glimpse of the daily life out here. Sometimes these posts will be general to all of the area and sometimes it may be more personal, like what I did on a weekend out here. Either way, I hope you enjoy seeing a different perspective on this area that I call home.
Autumn Leaves
I'm originally from the midwest and the fall colors although beautiful out there too, do not last long. Fall in the midwest is fast, it gets cold quickly, the colors come in, you get a week if you're lucky to see them on the trees and after that they're brown and on the ground. The Pacific Northwest is different. I like to say that the Fall in the Pacific Northwest moves in slow motion. You have a little more time to enjoy the colors.
So, since we have time and they're starting to change, I took a walk around my neighborhood and snapped a few good ones here and there. Seems to me people either love the Summer or they love the Fall. I'm a Fall guy myself. I think I'm just better suited for colder weather than heat.
I thought this last one was interesting because the tree matched the Limebike under it. Well, that's it for this weeks Meanwhile in Seattle. If you get a chance to visit this area, I would suggest coming out in the Fall. It's less busy, cooler and colorful. I'll be watching and enjoying these colors for the next few months. I may even post more photos in a month just to prove that we still have them.
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We are great at at fall. Like today. Totally beautiful. 🍁
Yeah today is looking great... I could just 'fall' in love with this weather. I just need a pumpkin spice latte to go with it. :)
If only there were a Starbucks nearby.... 🤔