in #meaning6 years ago


Astrological phenomena, This yoga occurs when there 6th,8th, 12th relation ship
Between moon and Jupiter from ascendant Poverty, hates relatives , no priority
Baseless, unpleasant wife, sorrow, there is nothing else, having everything’s else.
Accordingly Varahamihira, Sakata yoga signifies the placement of
All planets in the first and the seventh house. as a result of which the person
Concerned will gain his livelihood by driving a cart.
Jataka Parijata stated Sakata yoga occur when Jupiter occupies sixth or eighth
Bhaba from the moon elsewhere than in the quadrant in respect of the
Ascendant. The native even from a royal family , becomes indigent and in consequence
Of the trouble and fatigue falling to his lot.
Mantreswar in Phaladeepika, has mentioned that the moon in the 12th, 8th, or 6th
From Jupiter cases sakata.
DrB.V Raman states, the yoga as the moon in the twelve , sixth, or eighth from
Jupiter as a result of which the native loses fortune but may regain in the native
Will be ordinary , and insignificant, native will suffer from poverty, privation and
Misery. He will be stubborn and hated by relatives. Dr Raman s commentary
This yogo there was difference of opinion as regards the definition of this yoga.
The great Parasara and Baraha Mihira say that when all the planets are in
The first and seventh, Sakata yoga causes.
Loss of prestige, humiliation or fall from grace, Sakata yoga could therefore
Be taken as a general precondition for the prognostication of the welfare of
The person . One of the consideration really to this yoga is that the combination
Affects more like a general influence afectly the entire life of the person. Showing some inherent inbuilt feature of the persons psychological and physiological constitution
Rather than merely the mere bestowal of any special misery, indigence.
This combination found to be present in many eminent persons, like
Jawaharlal Neheru, The Nizam of Hyderabad, Sri Arobindo, Sivaji the great.
The moon represents the great passive principle of the universe, with ultimately
In association with maya,(the great creative illusion) enable the cosmic
Ideation to take place. The moon is considered both the efficient and the material
Cause of the visible universe. The essence from which all created things are
Produced and in to which they will not one stage, of the manifestation of
The solar system.
In Uttar Kalamrita, mention has been made besides other aspects
Of the moon, to relate this planet toBudhi (intelegence) Nidra ( sleep )
Stri ( female ) Lavana ( sult ) Madhu Prasad ( sweet blessings , or honey ) The
Jupiter relates bestow all the one desires in life. Money, children, status, renown,
Health, longevity and so on.
Dr B V Raman says Jupiter as the first rate benific of the solar system.
Whilst H.P. Blavastsky stated that to be merely the personification of that immutable.
Cyclic law which arrests the downward tendency. The benefice effects of Jupiter
Can therefore be considered as the power that arrest materialisation of the
Individual and they emphasize the rhythmic occurrences of the event that which
Arrests materialisation does not always give results very satisfying to the worldly and the
Material expectation. The most significant effect of Jupiter is related to its
Fructifying affect which also implies the favourable condition for the growth and
Expansion of desirable virtues and qualities.
One interpretation of Taraka – Maya caused by moon, impregnating tara. The wife of Jupiter, from which act mercury was born is that the birth of intelligence ( manas, Mercury)
Which has been the embodiment of mind principle in the human being, is the outcome of the union between the passive principle ( wife) of Jupiter and the seed (impregnation)
By the moon. In exoteric astrology favourable disposition of the moon (seed) and Jupiter
( fructifying agency) both are essential for the material welfare of the individual.
The sixth, eighth, relationship in primarily concerned with impending the growth
And development, that is with the spreading of the seed ,or the Germ, of the
Manifestation. Jupiter will endanger the growth, development and fructification
Whilst the moon will endanger the basic, inherent quality , the seed. The sixth
House generally said to represent disease, obstacles, enemies, dissipation,
Indebtedness, mental worry etc. for those are on the Nvritti marg , the path of with
Drawls , the house signifies the power of the control over various siddhies,
Attainments of or domination over the nature’s subtler forces.
Uttarkalamrita emphasizing intense mental anguish and material
Deprivation as important aspects of the sixth house. The eighth house which also is
Involved in this combination is al so a mystery house, a hidden house, it
Signifies the hidden side of one s life like death ( or longevity) witch craft,
Loss of money, or unintentional receipt of others money. The place and
Surrounding of death, defeat or insult, sorrow, blame, servants .,and impediments.
Obviously any benefice planet placed eight from any signification, or any other
Planet would greatly exaggerate the difficulties met by the same in its
Applying these general principles of the analysis of sakata yoga,
One finds that the moon is important for the individual in many way,
In fact the moon is mind. The essence or the very core of one s
One even cite the examples of Jawaharlal Neheru, who also
Have sakata yogo in his horoscope. In many ways his is a chart complimentary
To Yogi Arobindo s the moon instead of Jupiter , in his ascendant which
Is cancer, while Jupiter is in sixth house from the moon, which also
Happened to be Sagittarius, his own house, undoubtedly pandit
Neheru was a great mind, but whether he was able to express all that
He wanted in his life or not is a mute question. Here one is not only thinking
Of his masterly command over English literature but of all other aspects
Of life’s enfoldment had plenty of impediments in his life, he suffered
From several limitations he had the British government itself as his
Enemy, but he was placed at the helm of India and he enjoyed tremendous
International renown and influence.
The effect of all these, including the Chinese attack
In India which broke his very back bone, was induce him towards greater and
Inner in to Gods plan. In personal life he could be considered
A failure in several ways. But from his soul s point of view there had been a
Tremendous transformation in his life .Periodic influx of loss physical
And psychological, great sense of loneliness, mental isolation and
Expansion of psychological and spiritual perception characterised his
Life. These are typical influence which the sakata yoga creates in
Any one s life............

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