I cried reading this.
In my birth home, all 8 of my siblings, including me - both girls and boys - were assaulted by our birth father; sexually, physically and emotionally. Our birth mother stood by and let it happen - her way to deal with emotions was to throw us down a flight of stairs. When I was 4 or 5 years old, the Children's Aid removed all of us from our birth home and sent us to different foster homes.
I was adopted when I was six. My adopted father told my younger brother (who was adopted with me) that we would never be accepted; and physically abused/beat us. When I turned 11, he began to sexually abuse me.
My adopted mother's second husband was an alcoholic manic depressive and sexual deviant. He sexually harrassed me until I was in my 20s.
Yes, Me Too.
I have no words. I'm sorry.
Thank you, dear friend; I'm sorry too. (((hugs))) xoxox