I Subscribe Only To The Network

in #mdcm7 years ago

I'm a marketer who keeps it real with the network at all times. In fact, if the underlying money scheme isn't "we"-implicated, then I'm not particularly interested in it as my main focus.

For example, I don't actively trade crypto-currency, I treat my involvement with it more like a long term, loosely invested-like kind of thing towards my knowledge-base of all of the possibilities of crypto-currency, but I don't just have my hopes and prayers in the rise or fall of a digitized currency because the outcome of money in any format is otherwise out of my control. And in those instances inwhich I profited nicely from a sudden rise in an altcoin's evaluation, I felt no need to promote those gains online because I saw not where any specialized effort went into procuring the gains.

I believe in the push-factors of income potentials across a network. Meaning, I believe in those income potentials related to a network of people all pushing the same agenda. Think of the income potentials related to any scheme as the abstract glue that harnesses the agenda across the member's synapses and think of we the members of the network as the foot soldiers whose sole job is adherence to the schematics, which is now our only driving force.

That's the form of income potentials i believe in, those are the only kind I promote, and I believe that the outer world's, this world's currency-agenda follows the same format: The world has a we-motive currency-agenda, so all other schemes within this world should follow suit.

Ultimately, I see individualized forms of investments such as with trading in any context as something like a personal thing one does or not with his/her money. Such as what couples do or don't do in the bedroom. (You are married to your money, right?)

I don't see those individualized forms of investments as having the proper kind of network implications or etiquette worthy enough for me to promote and readily share with everyone else across an open network platform. Why flaunt to others what others may not he getting? I believe that some things you do with your money you can keep to yourself.

As i said, It's like what you and your spouse does in the bedroom is y'all's business....well, what you do with your money that doesn't involve others making money as well should also be kept in you and your money's private little bedroom just the same.

Otherwise, when you feel the need to share how much money you've made the question to those of us in the know becomes: "So what, you and your money had a good time last night- aren't y'all married anyway?"

It just seems kind of sick and twisted to talk about how much money you make where others aren't implicated in your making the money- I'm not saying don't make the money, I'm saying keep it to yourself, unless your intent in this copy-n-paste age of income potentials is to share with the crowd the method you used to make the money.

The folly in people who regularly promote their singular methods of making money is that ot seems that they seek validation for making the money from the very people they've shared no insight with on how the money was made. Life's follies really lay in life's dichotomies, huh? The dichotomies are the dualities and the follies are the attempts to stride both sides of the dualities at the same time. In this case it's like wanting credit in the eyes of others for a job well done but nobody knows whether there was any real work or effort involved worthy for credit.

It's like saying I want to he praised for being a cheat on the network.

I wonder at times: are people really so depraved with money as to actually in some cases know how to make money, understand that the making of money is an information deriviative, see in this information-age of technology the bridging of blockchain technology to facilitate the greater sharing of information- and yet take glory in cuffing on how the money was made?

Even when individuals make money in individualized manners of making money, the fulfillment to the network can be actualized simply by sharing the information of how the money was made. The great thing about sharing info on how to make money is that doing so is the equivalent to fertilizing the land with the nutrients for the land to flourish. Having a rich, fertilized land facilitates unfettered individualized as well as group growth, thus sharing information has a reverberation that ultimately has positive implications for the sharer.

Besides, did you know that the only thing that protects money is the same as the only thing that protects all forms of currents? For example, the only thing that protects water is more water because water has an evaporative response mechanism based on climate. And the only thing that protects money is more money because money as a currency agenda has a self-imposed attrition effect or, evaporative effect, called inflation. But the only thing that makes more money is the sharing of more value

Think about it.#Iajs


Interesting article and one to think about. I share my results alot and do show my results of the program i am actively in. I network like crazy and those results i show are only because of the network and individuals who helped the network and my own individual efforts. So its a good post one for me to think about in how i actively shows and post my results. Great post and i will reevaluate now how i share results but add in value. Thanks Lee

Great post and we learn new skills every day..Blockchain is the new revolution, freeing Humanity at large.

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