Bitcoin is McGregor and Bitcoin Cash is...well...everyone else.
Despite two months of FUD: Bitmain threatening to split, concerns over the implementation of Segwit, and now even the altcoin known as Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin has proven any whispers regarding its fragile footing are nothing more than myths...myths on par with the likes of Bigfoot, Yeti, the LochNess Monster or honest politicians.
Like Conor McGregor in the octagon, Bitcoin has not only consistently defeated its opponents, its crushed them...leaving FUD altcoins like bitcoin cash in its wake. This is important because it shows that not anyone can step in the octagon and expect to compete with McGregor...and not every new bitcoin separation cell or new altcoin or new fork can ultimately compete with Bitcoin.
The next battle to Bitcoin's growth, will most likely be the battle with exchanges such as Coinbase. Exchanges that unilaterally make decisions that affect customer growth, Bitcoin Growth and the Crypto Universe. Failure to maintain their product during trading peaks (if you've ever tried to buy on a huge dip only to find the server down), price manipulation and lawsuits over forks all inadvertently impact Bitcoin.
In many ways, these trials and tribulations are necessary for Bitcoin. Competition is a good thing, its forces the invisible hand of improvement or threatens to leave a wake of destruction. Bitcoin, evidenced by Segwit lock-in, must continue to improve or its rise to the top will be marred by potentially damaging losses. Bitcoin, like McGregor, will win the war and there's no telling how high the ceiling can go, we mustn't let ourselves be swayed with the many smaller battles like Bitcoin Cash. Buy the dips, continue to accumulate Bitcoin and HODL!
McGregor is only a hype like Bitcoin Cash and nothing else. :D
lol Different point of view, of which I'm not opposed to listening to...but I need more back up examples than that my friend!
@bitcoinsachs99 We will get to know on 26 August mate! Remember it's a boxing match. McGregor is fiat and Mayweather is cryptocurrency :D