To the potential adoptive parents of my amazing little everything! Love Mommy.

in #mcfd6 years ago (edited)

This is the letter I wrote to the potential adoptive parents in the Victoria BC area in Nov 2017....this was my thoughts when I found out that MCFD (Child Protection) gave my girl away to them and they most likely dont know anything about me, and werent told anything about us as a family. That we were strong, loving, and caring family and that I wasn't some drunk on the street corner that couldn't care for her child....No, In fact quite the opposite....I doubt due to privacy they were not told much except that I couldn't care for this little 9 1/2 year old.....I wrote this from my heart, in a time of pure duress and sadness.....a time when I felt I had nothing left and MCFD just gave my little girl away, I sat with tears I wrote this....

To the potential adoptive people in the Victoria BC area- My 9yo daughter Victoria means more then anything in the world to me....and as devastated as I am right now, also when I made this video (youtube my name maya bradshaw), today I am not giving up on her. She IS MY life, just as her 2 brothers are- yes she has 2 brothers who love her dearly as well! I will fight until my last breath to find her, and reunite, as today I am a proud mother, and have a good stable life, job, home, pets. Today I have been doing my best to completely overhaul my life from what it was then, over 4 years ago, in an abusive co-dependent relationship, Today I am a success story for an abusive past and starting over.....My biggest regret, not leaving, and not listening to anyone and now Im supposed to pay a life sentence with my daughters life for my mistakes then.... I have always been a devoted loving mother, not perfect but what mother is....loving, attentive, caring, and spoiled my kids! There are thousands of children out there that need help, good families to adopt them as they have no competent families to take them legitly as they age out of care. Yet there are MANY children that already HAVE good families and that if MCFD were to acknowledge significant lifestyle changes and give us back our kids when some of us have their brothers and sisters at home....our kids in care would truly be loved and safe with their biological families! I know you dont who I am....and whatever you were told by MCFD most likely isnt the truth, I dont fault you for wanting to adopt however you probably should have inquired better as she already has a loving family! I mean how can a potential adoptive parent not question where a child comes from and want to know more? Especially if they were able to go home, and had a home! I AM HER MOTHER! What MCFD has done is legally kidnap MY girl Victoria because they won a cco after only a couple months to show change- they didnt allow me time, this is how they win, I attempted to appeal however I didnt have a lawyer at the time to fight! Then they give her or sell her to you! You are not her parents, I am, and today there ISNT one reason that I cannot take care and have my daughter home! This is disgusting and inhumane, as my girl is 9 years old, she turned 9 on October 14th.....she lost her mother, family, brothers, foster mother, school, cat and friends and her life in the be moved far away with potential adoptive parents- Do you know that my daughter wrote a letter to the judge in March begging to come home, do you also know the last time I saw her (before MCFD started alienating so she would forget me) she held onto me in the back seat and cried to come home! Do you know that MCFD just up and cancelled visits in April, just because, then didnt talk to me until I never knew until November 16th that you had signature required!
Do you know that I have never looked back from the life I had then, and that I will NEVER EVER stop trying to get her back for the rest of my life.....that I am a good mother, who made some mistakes in her past but that changed, and I without a doubt deserve MY Victoria home! I deserve to raise my daughter, to tuck her in, to teach her to cook, take care of her, and to laugh with her beautiful smile and snuggle like mommies should, to do homework, make sure she is safe, and enjoy our family with her! I am her mom and that will never change, I am out here, loving her forever, one day she will want to come home! Please dont hurt her....and please just please tell her its okay to remember us ....PLEASE SHARE ALL OVER BC, ESPECIALLY THE ISLAND- Langford Victoria BC!


A very powerful letter, I hope it gets through to the right people, if I lived in Canada I would be the first to come to the rescue and help you get this letter out there.

Its obvious the love you have for your daughter which makes it even harder to understand how this can happen, cps are truly evil and they must be held accountable.

We are here for you!

Thank-you @mayaabb for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

(If you feel that our community has brought more rewards and attention to this post, please consider contributing a portion of those rewards back to our cause.)

This letter is very heart-warming. It sounds like a mother who loves her child and desperately wants her home to love on her and take care of her. It’s not fair you didn’t get a second chance. Clearly you have learned from your mistakes and are on a better path now. Your family didn’t deserve treatment like this. I’m praying this letter reaches the hands of the family that now has your daughter. I pray that this will move them to allowing you to possibly see her or even help you to get her back. I believe in miracles and I believe one could happen for you and your family. I have 4 children of my own and I too would NEVER stop fighting. It’s not in a Mother’s blood to do so. We’ll be here supporting you and getting your story shared.

God Bless~

I’ve resteemed and followed you, I’m also from B.C. From Cranbrook currently am in Vernon. I hear your plight and am here to support you on steemit, don’t give up hope. Keep a record of every single thing you do everyday, video, text, social media need to be adapted into your case. You child needs her mother. If you have more social media spreading hit us some links. I’ll go hard making sure it doesnt get swept under the table, keep us updated and I’m glad your here.

Did someone reach out to you after this? Maybe not the adoptive parents but someone who might have recognized the story? I hope it will reach your daughter!

On facebook Ive gotten almost 30,000 views....ya thats alot...lots of people have sent me letters, I receive them all the time, but no one directly has told me if she was safe. thats all I can hope for today.

the heart is crying... adoption is a separate hell of CPS' activities...

Very sorry that this happened. CPS often preys upon people in a moment of weakness.

Yes, greed, you do deserve to cherish each moment, as mother daughter moments are timeless, deep, special, as that is what makes life so special, and that is the meaning to life in those close relationships, even for those who adopt as well. Thanks for sharing, hehe. You are awesome. I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold. You can call me Joey.

I really hope that the system recognizes all your effort to change your life and give you the opportunity to be with your children again

Amiga social services should consider all their effort to have their daughter again, should consider their tireless struggle. What a pity that these people only care about enriching themselves and not what the children really want, how sad and how outrageous this system. Never rest or abandon this struggle, they will be together again they deserve it.

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