But before going any further, I want to tell you first about Cryptoqurrency or Blockchain Technology. Cryptocurrency was originally known as a payment system that allows people to be able to make transactions quickly, without third parties, transparently, securely, and anonymously. Satoshi who is the creator of Bitcoin, makes Bitcoin beat the centralized financial system that is prone to manipulation and controlled by one party. With the growth and development of the Crypto or blockchain ecosystem, a number of alternative investment options have emerged, and have proven to be more efficient and profitable investment tools than traditional financial returns. Innovative projects are consistently emerging in the crypto industry with high return investments and continuous trends, such as megabitcoin. is one of the projects that will attract large market investments. So, don’t waste this golden opportunity.
a Bitcoin Rewards Token that includes utility’s & Future
this is the first of any token to have a system in place to give the investors the most profits possible in tokenomics. we will be purchasing bitcoin miners and be devloping non stop bitcoin to be added to our liquidity pool.
this will not only give investors the best rewards but also the best returns on their investments. we will be using a small percentage of the liquidity pool to create crypto cards for holders to use there rewards with minimum interest rates & Transaction fees. if your not a holder of MegaBitcoin then you may still apply for your card but the interest rates & Fees will be much higher as a penalty result.
you will be able to confirm your balance and upload & increase Liquidity limits on the website of Mega Bitcoin.
we also are going to be using a small percentage of the liquidity pool for personal cryptocurrency Loans, you will need to fill out a Loan application
Required on the website to be Approved.
depending on the amount you requested and the crypto rating you have with our Project is how the rates and fees will be determined & applied to the contract summited.
The Future is Now & You’re Invited.
17% Buy tax / 17% Sell tax
11% goes to Auto bitcoin rewards
5.5% each transaction for rewards.
10% goes to Auto liquidity
5% each transaction for liquidity
7% goes towards marketing
3.5% each transaction for marketing.
6% goes to Pancake swap for Gas fees
3% Gas fee on each Transaction.
Forum Username: mairacute
Forum Profile Link:;u=3334914
Telegram Username: @mairacute
BEP-20 Wallet Address: 0x9758aabf2b323516C272e1B676131703790f87A7