MAZECOIN - 6 Tier Masternode on Presale
MAZE is an open source, community driven, environmentally conscious cryptocurrency and an alternative to bitcoin that features better anonymity. It allows people to store and invest their wealth in a non-government controlled currency and make almost instantaneous and completely anonymous transfers with close to zero fees. MAZE was founded as an long-standing, energy-efficient and environmentally friendly digital cryptocurrency and this concept is being continued. MAZE has implemented 6 levels of masternode tiers to limit amount of masternodes and let investors to become part of great project.
Automated ICO sale is open now! Get your masternode and earn great rewards!
Funds from ICO will be put forward for exchange listings, marketing costs and future development.
Nodes are being sold in the presale across 3 different price stages:
Masternode Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
TIER 1 (6000MAZE) 0.4BTC 0.7BTC 1.0BTC
TIER 2 (12000MAZE) 0.7BTC 1.3BTC 1.8BTC
TIER 3 (24000MAZE) 1.3BTC 1.9BTC 2.6BTC
TIER 4 (36000MAZE) 1.9BTC 2.5BTC 3.6BTC
TIER 5 (48000MAZE) 2.5BTC 3.1BTC 4.4BTC
TIER 6 (60000MAZE) 3.1BTC 3.6BTC 5.2BTC
Each stage will last 5 days UTC time:
Stage 1 May 1-5 2018
Stage 2 May 6-10 2018
Stage 3 May 11-15 2018
MAZE Specification
Coin Type: POS with tiered masternodes
Hashing Algo: Neoscrypt
Difficulty Adjustment: Each block (Kimoto Gravity Well)
Block Time: 80 seconds
Maxiumum Block Size: 4 MB
Minimum Stake Age: 50 Hours
TX Maturity Mined: 50 Confirmations
TX Maturity: Sent/Received: 8 Confirmations
Staking Reward: 8 MAZE
Premine: 1 000 000 MAZE
Max Coin Supply: 50 000 000 MAZE
P2P Port: 16000
RPC Port: 15000
MASTERNODE COLLATERAL: 6000 / 12000 / 24000 / 36000 / 48000 / 60000 MAZE
MASTERNODE REWARD: 10 / 24 / 58 / 98 / 139 / 187 MAZE
Website :
Windows wallet:
Source code:
Bounty - coming soon
Block explorer - coming soon
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