DeFi Pre-Launch Checklist
MAXX is very close to launching the protocol! below is a quick overview of the tasks we have completed and whats temporarily holding us back from shipping this project & community to the moon.
Let us look at the checklist
**ETA at the time of writing this article
— Listing on major indexes ✅
— Completion of smart contracts ✅
— Completion of UI dashboard ✅
— Smart Contract Audits 1/3 ✅
— KYC ✅
— Testing of UI Dashboard ⏳ (ETA. 7 days)
— Preparation for Marketing Deployment ⏳ (ETA. Pending) — Team KYC & — Setup of gnosis safe ⏳ (ETA. 3 days)
— Public Testnet — Bug Bounty Program ⏳ (ETA. 7 days)
— New Website Launch ⏳ (ETA. 1–7 days)
Once complete we will launch the project, don't forget to share & mention to your friends this highly anticipated launch to the blockchain world!
MAXX Finance - Launching Soon!
The MAXX vault is a community managed treasury fueled by the protocol's Trade Taxes and Staking Penalties. This…
To participate in the testing of the user interface visit the website once we update it we will have the web testing page for you to start!
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We are anticipating a big launch! Lets go!