Maxine Corona
The Corona Virus (Covid-19) has taken the world by storm. It didn’t actually bring the world to its knees. National governments and state governments in America brought the world to its knees using lockdowns. The virus is viewed as a bioweapon first unleashed against China and then America plus other countries. The actual destruction caused by Corona is less than the havoc caused by the flu.
In America there are never lockdowns for the annual flu season regardless of the large death toll. It is not considered necessary by health and government officials. So why the fake panic caused by these people, especially the media? The main possibility is more comprehensive control of the populace. This includes the restructuring of the world’s financial institutions. These institutions haven’t been fiscally solvent in a long time. In America, the Federal Reserve has allegedly been taken over by the U.S. Treasury. If true than the Trump administration can print all the money it wants and add the cost to the federal deficit just like the previous owners of the Federal Reserve did.
In short, President Trump is trying to restart the U.S. economy that was destroyed by the Deep State faction of Rockefeller-Bush. They unleashed the Corona pandemic to destroy the world’s economies, institute martial law (lockdowns), and implement a vaccine control grid that will use nanotechnology to monitor the populace. Bill Gates is getting credit for the proposed mandatory vaccine. Publicly he is calling for a mandatory Corona vaccine and insisting people are to stay locked down until they get the lethal injection. On a separate note there are reports that the Corona virus was actually triggered by 5G technology. It is claimed that since 5G wireless networks are predominate in the large cities and metro areas this is the reason most Corona victims are from there. If true, then banning the 5G towers will prevent another major health crisis. Either way, the lockdowns in America are to end and the economy be restarted.
Which means, at that point the American public’s attention will refocus on the stalled U.S. Presidential race. With the health crisis of dementia facing Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden questions arise of who will be his running mate. Rumors of First Lady Michelle Obama are cropping up thanks in part to Joe Biden. The presidential conventions will take place if America manages to get back on its feet economically by the end of summer. It is questionable whether or not the American people will also know the source of the Corona Virus by then. There are different possible game changers that could take place by this summer.
One possible scenario involves the Full Disclosure team which is actively working toward unconditional full disclosure using a probable mass TV media event. This means the airing of some very dirty laundry in public. All major obstacles preventing their success have recently been cleared away. By their estimate, the televised event can take place any day now. If successful, than all bets will be off regarding the U.S. Presidential race in 2020.