I work on Maxims or sayings every week. Here's a few that I came up with:
Of the known allergies truth may be the most pernicious and under-reported.
Flattery and admiration capture the heart of a man; whereas, a woman's is captured by disrespect and disinterest.
A woman does what a woman does. A man takes notice and does something else.
Superiority is evidenced by behavior. No warrior watches the View.
We have now "progressed" to the point that reality is a class enemy, and age has no correlation with knowledge or experience.
So much sadness at much truth.
The thing i hate most about feminism is that it deliberately hides women's strengths and virtues. (because you can't be strong and a victim)
And so, we do not have women being feminine.
We only have women being narcissistic destroyers of communities and children.
It is really too bad, because men could really use some lessons in emotions. But women are now only focussing on fleeting "experiences".
It is like a drug, this feminism. And women are hooked on it. What will the world be like when they all crash?
how close they are to narcissists is scary at this point.