Are the objects in this 3D realm really solid or do we live in a holographic world? Proof of the matrix from Professor James Gates and the Bible? You decide!

in #matrix2 years ago (edited)

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See a thread on this found here,

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Check it out~ Light as Both a wave And a particle! Duality? Taking a radically different experimental approach, EPFL scientists have now been able to take the first ever snapshot of light behaving both as a wave and as a particle. The breakthrough work is published in Nature Communications.

When UV light hits a metal surface, it causes an emission of electrons. Albert Einstein explained this “photoelectric” effect by proposing that light – thought to only be a wave – is also a stream of particles. Even though a variety of experiments have successfully observed both the particle- and wave-like behaviors of light, they have never been able to observe both at the same time.

École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

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A new approach on a classic effect

A research team led by Fabrizio Carbone at EPFL has now carried out an experiment with a clever twist: using electrons to image light. The researchers have captured, for the first time ever, a single snapshot of light behaving simultaneously as both a wave and a stream of particles particle.

The experiment is set up like this: A pulse of laser light is fired at a tiny metallic nanowire. The laser adds energy to the charged particles in the nanowire, causing them to vibrate. Light travels along this tiny wire in two possible directions, like cars on a highway. When waves traveling in opposite directions meet each other they form a new wave that looks like it is standing in place. Here, this standing wave becomes the source of light for the experiment, radiating around the nanowire.

This is where the experiment’s trick comes in: The scientists shot a stream of electrons close to the nanowire, using them to image the standing wave of light. As the electrons interacted with the confined light on the nanowire, they either sped up or slowed down. Using the ultrafast microscope to image the position where this change in speed occurred, Carbone’s team could now visualize the standing wave, which acts as a fingerprint of the wave-nature of light.

While this phenomenon shows the wave-like nature of light, it simultaneously demonstrates its particle aspect as well. As the electrons pass close to the standing wave of light, they “hit” the light’s particles, the photons. As mentioned above, this affects their speed, making them move faster or slower. This change in speed appears as an exchange of energy “packets” (quanta) between electrons and photons. The very occurrence of these energy packets shows that the light on the nanowire behaves as a particle.

“This experiment demonstrates that, for the first time ever, we can film quantum mechanics – and its paradoxical nature – directly,” says Fabrizio Carbone. In addition, the importance of this pioneering work can extend beyond fundamental science and to future technologies. As Carbone explains: “Being able to image and control quantum phenomena at the nanometer scale like this opens up a new route towards quantum computing.”

In quantum physics known as wave particle duality.
Duality addresses the inadequacy of Conventional Concepts. So people determined as Masters of Science were WRONG in their prior thinking? YES!

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The debate of light and matter dating back to the 1600's! Sir Isaac Newton proposed that light was made of tiny particles known as photons, while Christian Huygens believed that light was made of waves propagating perpendicular to the direction of its movement.,the%20direction%20of%20its%20movement.

So with this duality proof from EPFL [École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne] validation NOTHING is really here Except consciousness?
Consciousness is what's Really Here?

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Now we also know that atoms are mostly empty space. So when you pick up your coffee mug you are Not really touching the mug~ what's going on is the atoms in the electromagnetic frequency within your fingers are repelling the electromagnetic atoms in the mug, so you Think you are actually holding the coffee mug, but it is actually the Result of electromagnetic field repulsion?

Now we also know that atoms are mostly empty space. So when you pick up your coffee mug you are Not really touching the mug~ what's going on is the atoms in the electromagnetic frequency within your fingers are repelling the electromagnetic atoms in the mug, so you Think you are actually holding the coffee mug, but it is actually the Result of electromagnetic field repulsion? Check it out from Phys dot org

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Chemist John Dalton proposed the theory that all matter and objects are made up of particles called atoms, and this is still accepted by the scientific community, almost two centuries later. Each of these atoms is each made up of an incredibly small nucleus and even smaller electrons, which move around at quite a distance from the centre.

If you imagine a table that is a billion times larger, its atoms would be the size of melons. But even so, the nucleus at the centre would still be far too small to see and so would the electrons as they dance around it. So why don't our fingers just pass through atoms, and why doesn't light get through the gaps?

To explain why we must look at the electrons. Unfortunately, much of what we are taught at school is simplified – electrons do not orbit the centre of an atom like planets around the sun, like you may have been taught. Instead, think of electrons like a swarm of bees or birds, where the individual motions are too fast to track, but you still see the shape of the overall swarm.

Rather it is More like a DANCE!
Part of the Dance?
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In fact, electrons dance – there is no better word for it. But it's not random dancing – it's more like ballroom dancing, where they move in set patterns, following steps laid down by a mathematical equation named after Erwin Schrödinger.

These patterns can vary – some are slow and gentle, like a waltz whereas some are fast and energetic, like a Charleston. Each electron keeps to the same pattern, but once in a while it may change to another, as long as no other electron is doing that pattern already. No two electrons in an atom can do the same step: this rule is called the Exclusion Principle.

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Although electrons never tire, moving up to a faster step does take energy. And when an electron moves down to a slower pattern it loses energy which it gives out. So when energy in the form of light falls on an electron, it can absorb some energy and move up to a higher, faster "dance" pattern. A light beam won't get far through our table, since the electrons in all the atoms are eager to grab some energy from the light.

Let's go back to your hand grabbing the coffee mug example.

If you were to phase shift the atomic frequency of the vibration of the atoms in your hand, you could pass them right through the coffee mug and the liquid in the mug with No Problem and your hand wouldn't even be wet IF you could match that subatomic frequency.

So we know that what is here, is really illusory, but the take away is that there is a Superposition! Everything exists ONLY as probabilities Until it's collapsed into a reality. YOUR reality!

What does this mean?

Thus your reality is NOT fixed! Your destiny is NOT hard coded and set!

It can be changed, it can be altered.
Are you living in the projected hologram the movie The Matrix, scientists and even Silent Running were pointing to? You decide!

See clip here that is short under 5 min.
What IS Real? How do you define real?
Are they just signals determined by your brain?

How many religions texts back up what the bible states about a created universe/matrix?

No disputing it now that the mathematics of supersymmetry have been discovered by Professor James Gates?

Check out his bio~
Sylvester James Gates Jr. known as S. James Gates Jr. or Jim Gates, is an American theoretical physicist who works on supersymmetry, supergravity, and superstring theory. He currently holds the Clark Leadership Chair in Science with the physics department at the University of Maryland College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences.

His doctoral thesis was the first at MIT on supersymmetry.

He is pursuing ongoing research into string theory, supersymmetry, and supergravity. His current research focus is on Adinkra symbols, a graph-theoretic technique for studying supersymmetric representation theories.

In 2018, Gates was elected to the presidential line of the American Physical Society: he began serving as its Vice President in 2019, served as President in 2021, and Past-President in 2022.

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Professor James Gates and his team of physicists discovered that we are living in a programmed matrix and the code that operates this matrix to form and actually operate is the same code that runs search engines, browsers and web sites on your computers, phones and/or devices.

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We literally live in internet code, that's the code we are living in.
As above so below?
Have we duplicated what is already inside of our processing?
This coding that search engines, browsers and web sites are based on is a special coding called Error-Correcting Codes.

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In 1994, a mathematician at AT&T Research named Peter Shor brought instant fame to “quantum computers” when he discovered that these hypothetical devices could quickly factor large numbers — and thus break much of modern cryptography. But a fundamental problem stood in the way of actually building quantum computers: the innate frailty of their physical components.

Unlike binary bits of information in ordinary computers, “qubits” consist of quantum particles that have some probability of being in each of two states, designated |0⟩ and |1⟩, at the same time. When qubits interact, their possible states become interdependent, each one’s chances of |0⟩ and |1⟩ hinging on those of the other. The contingent possibilities proliferate as the qubits become more and more “entangled” with each operation. Sustaining and manipulating this exponentially growing number of simultaneous possibilities are what makes quantum computers so theoretically powerful.

But qubits are maddeningly error-prone. The feeblest magnetic field or stray microwave pulse causes them to undergo “bit-flips” that switch their chances of being |0⟩ and |1⟩ relative to the other qubits, or “phase-flips” that invert the mathematical relationship between their two states.

For quantum computers to work, scientists must find schemes for protecting information even when individual qubits get corrupted. What’s more, these schemes must detect and correct errors without directly measuring the qubits, since measurements collapse qubits’ coexisting possibilities into definite realities: plain old 0s or 1s that can’t sustain quantum computations.

In 1995, Shor followed his factoring algorithm with another stunner: proof that “quantum error-correcting codes” exist. The computer scientists Dorit Aharonov and Michael Ben-Or (and other researchers working independently) proved a year later that these codes could theoretically push error rates close to zero. “This was the central discovery in the ’90s that convinced people that scalable quantum computing should be possible at all,” said Scott Aaronson, a leading quantum computer scientist at the University of Texas — “that it is merely a staggering problem of engineering.”

Now, even as small quantum computers are materializing in labs around the world, useful ones that will outclass ordinary computers remain years or decades away. Far more efficient quantum error-correcting codes are needed to cope with the daunting error rates of real qubits. The effort to design better codes is “one of the major thrusts of the field,” Aaronson said, along with improving the hardware.

But in the dogged pursuit of these codes over the past quarter-century, a funny thing happened in 2014, when physicists found evidence of a deep connection between quantum error correction and the nature of space, time and gravity. In Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity, gravity is defined as the fabric of space and time — or “space-time” — bending around massive objects. (A ball tossed into the air travels along a straight line through space-time, which itself bends back toward Earth.) But powerful as Einstein’s theory is, physicists believe gravity must have a deeper, quantum origin from which the semblance of a space-time fabric somehow emerges.

That year — 2014 — three young quantum gravity researchers came to an astonishing realization. They were working in physicists’ theoretical playground of choice: a toy universe called “anti-de Sitter space” that works like a hologram. The bendy fabric of space-time in the interior of the universe is a projection that emerges from entangled quantum particles living on its outer boundary. Ahmed Almheiri, Xi Dong and Daniel Harlow did calculations suggesting that this holographic “emergence” of space-time works just like a quantum error-correcting code. They conjectured in the Journal of High Energy Physics that space-time itself is a code — in anti-de Sitter (AdS) universes, at least. The paper has triggered a wave of activity in the quantum gravity community, and new quantum error-correcting codes have been discovered that capture more properties of space-time.

The language of quantum error correction is also starting to enable researchers to probe the mysteries of black holes: spherical regions in which space-time curves so steeply inward toward the center that not even light can escape. “Everything traces back to black holes,” said Almheiri, who is now at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey. These paradox-ridden places are where gravity reaches its zenith and Einstein’s general relativity theory fails. “There are some indications that if you understand which code space-time implements,” he said, “it might help us in understanding the black hole interior.”

As a bonus, researchers hope holographic space-time might also point the way to scalable quantum computing, fulfilling the long-ago vision of Shor and others. “Space-time is a lot smarter than us,” Almheiri said. “The kind of quantum error-correcting code which is implemented in these constructions is a very efficient code.”

So, how do quantum error-correcting codes work? The trick to protecting information in jittery qubits is to store it not in individual qubits, but in patterns of entanglement among many.

As a simple example, consider the three-qubit code: It uses three “physical” qubits to protect a single “logical” qubit of information against bit-flips. (The code isn’t really useful for quantum error correction because it can’t protect against phase-flips, but it’s nonetheless instructive.) The |0⟩ state of the logical qubit corresponds to all three physical qubits being in their |0⟩ states, and the |1⟩ state corresponds to all three being |1⟩’s. The system is in a “superposition” of these states, designated |000⟩ + |111⟩. But say one of the qubits bit-flips. How do we detect and correct the error without directly measuring any of the qubits?

Find more in here,

Are we living in the exact same programming as these error-correcting codes?
What do you think?

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Does everything including our bodies exist as waves of light?

If you're not looking at something is it there?

Are you able to separate yourself from the News?
How about mainstream media?
Can you separate yourself from the "pushed narrative?"

How about if you leave your home.
When you're not there you do not see your home.
Is your house a wave?
An energy wave?
Are YOU an energy wave?

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Reality is merely an illusion, although a very persistent one.
Albert Einstein
What else can we do in the face of what scientists have discovered about reality?
It’s unbelievable! Fantastic!
And it is quite clearly showing that everything is energy at the most fundamental levels.

Here’s a really brief peek at the shocking things quantum physicists now
know about our reality—facts that change everything we believe about life and self, standing it all on its head just like Copernicus did our view of the solar system all those many centuries ago.

If everybody in the world understood what the next few paragraphs outline about the energetic nature of reality our planet would change overnight!

Early in the 20th century the unquestioned assumption that the physical universe is actually physical lead to a scientific search for the elementary “point particle” upon which all life is built, which would prove that reality was not an illusion.
But as soon as scientists began smashing electrons and other particles in enormous accelerators, they quickly realized the foundations of
the physical world weren’t physical at all—that everything is energy!

From The Illusion of Reality-Scientific Proof

The solar-system picture of electrons and protons as tiny, solid, planet-like structures whizzing around a larger interior neutron in an atom was dead wrong.

Electrons, muons, tauons, quarks,
and gluons have no internal structure and no physical size, meaning that they are entirely illusory or put another way, made up of energy.

They are zero-dimensional and more like events than things.
As if that weren’t bad enough, electrons (those negatively charged particles that aren’t
really particles) were discovered to be both a wave and a particle at the same time (wave-particle duality.)
Electrons showed up in one form or the other depending on the experiment involved.

They were also hard to pin down—after all, when everything is energy, it’s hard to keep it one place.
Scientists can know a particle’s velocity or its position, but not both at the same time.

Which is like a cop clocking a car doing 150 mph on the Interstate, but not being able to locate it to give chase.

Another strange habit energetic particles have is they can be in more than one
place at the same time.
Called **“superposition,” electrons and other non-particle particles are
capable of being in hundreds of places simultaneously, which is only possible if everything is energy at the most fundamental levels.

It seems like the more physicists discover, the worse things get for those of us hoping to hold onto any sort of sense of normal “reality.”
In fact, toward the end of his life, when Einstein was asked what was the biggest physics question he wished could be answered before he died?

He replied, “I’d be happy if I just knew what an electron really was.”

Now we know and we know it is energy at the most fundamental levels. Reality is stranger
than we think. It’s stranger than most people can think. And the reality is that everything is energy and energy is everything.

Scientists have been dealing with the shocking implications of quantum theory for 100 years now. But as far as mainstream society is concerned, scientists’ stupefying
conclusions about life may as well not exist.

It’s the same old same old as far as the ego matrix is concerned. And yet quantum physics has amazing things to say about the energetic nature of reality that can free our minds from its superstitions and restrictions.

Wave-particle duality casts doubt upon the very foundation of the scientific method itself: objectivity and the necessary separation of the scientist from the experiment.

Huh? Excuse me? Isn’t objectivity the Holy Grail of science?
Yes. It is. But at the sub-atomic levels, interaction and observation have been shown to affect and even determine experimental outcomes. Which ultimately points to the possibility that there are no such things as: separation and objectivity.
Which blows everything out of the water!

I’m not going to get into the Copenhagen Interpretation and the wave function of particles. But taken to its logical conclusion, the Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum mechanics seems to imply that “reality”—the world as we know it—can only take place if some sort of measurement or observation takes place on the macro level of existence, the level where scientists and all of us more ordinary human beings operate, which means that not only is everything energy, it responds
to consciousness itself.

In other words, it’s possible that unless some agency (such as human consciousness) interferes, particles remain in a probabilistic energy-wave state and never actualize into one location in particle form at all.

Ultimately, reality as we experience it seems to be the result of human
consciousness interfacing with the quantum levels of existence that are pure waves of energy.

“You think that’s air you’re breathing?” Morpheus asks Neo in their martial arts sparring scene in The Matrix.
“Huh.” Think again!

Morpheus: Asking The Hard Questions

In the following clip, Neo states,
"You're here because you now something, you can't explain it, but you've know it your entire life.

That there's something there, something wrong with the world.
You don't know what it is, but it's there.
Like a Splinter in Your Mind!
Driving you mad!
It is this feeling that has brought you to me.
Do you know what I'm talking about?"


Do you want to know What it IS?

The Matrix is Everywhere, it is all around us.
Even now in this very room.
You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television.

You can feel it when you go to work.
When you go to church.
When you pay your taxes.

It is the World that has been pulled over your eyes to Blind you from #TheTruth!

What Truth?

That you are a Slave Neo!

Like everyone else you were born into bondage.
Born into a prison that you cannot smell, or taste or touch!

A prison For Your MIND!

Unfortunately, no one can be told what #theMatrix is.

You have to see it for yourself. [#SomeWillChooseNOTtoKnow]

This is your last chance.
After this there is no turning back!

You take the blue pill~ the story ends. . .you wake up in your bed and believe Whatever you Want to believe.

You take the red pill~ you stay in Wonderland and I show how deep the rabbit hole goes!

REMEMBER~ all I'm offering is the Truth, Nothing More!

**The Matrix Meeting Morpheus Scene **

Morpheus is trying to get across to Neo that everything he thinks is real is actually
only information that the brain receives and translates into a picture called reality. Amazingly, scientists are beginning to think the same way—understanding that energy is everything and energy is information in its purest sense.

The Copenhagen Interpretation isn’t the only indicator that an information-based matrix of energetic reality is what we’re dealing with.

Entanglement is another freaky physics conundrum pointing that way.
Once particles have interacted they become “entangled,” which means forever
after they affect each other’s “spin” (which really isn’t a spinning motion at all but something called angular momentum).

They are connected by an unseen energy of force that permeates everything.

It’s as if once two particles have kissed they become lifelong pen pals. No matter how far apart they get, if scientists change the spin state of one entangled electron it’s guaranteed its partner’s spin state will change in the opposite direction in response.
Every time. Instantaneously. Even if they’re a million light-years apart.

This can only happen if everything is energetically connected
on some level.
Which means either we ignore Einstein’s theory of special relativity and its prohibition against faster-than-light travel for an information-bearing signal and
**accept that particles are somehow breaking the speed limit and communicating instantaneously across vast distances or

everything is energy and somehow connected at the subatomic level.

And I mean everything.
And entanglement is revealing why.

Replicated studies show that living cells can instantly communicate over distances. One of the simplest experiments involves a batch of algae cells grown in a petri dish. After a few days the cells are divided into two batches.

One batch remains in the original dish and the rest of the cells are whisked away to a different laboratory.
When the original group of cells is stimulated by a low-voltage current, the separated group of cells in the lab miles away reacts in precisely the same way, to the same degree, at the exact same instant that the stimulated cells react to the charge.

And when the separated batch is stimulated the home team cells react instantaneously as well.
What on Earth is going on?

If everything from entangled electrons to atoms to living cells is actually hooked up and
intercommunicating somehow, then connectivity just might be the key to a whole new way of understanding the universe.

When we shift to the paradigm that everything is energy, suddenly many seeming conundrums begin to make a lot of sense.

All you have to do is Get UP and say NO to their attempts to control your mind, body and spirit! You can STAND! The choice has Always been yours! See it in action here,

The Matrix~ Get UP!

So far, the hunt for a medium of information exchange has lead scientists on a merry chase cooking up vortices and waves theories, space-time twists, superstrings, and quantum foam.

Even the ancient concept of the ether has been resurrected as a possible answer to entanglement.

But the simplest, most elegant theories take us straight back to the matrix and the idea that everything is energy and information when all is said and done!

Has this been proven?
What evidence is out there?

What is Plasma Energy? Who is Mehran Keshe and what awaits us in the New Energy Industry that will help humanity in health and the environment? Are you ready because the Best is yet to come!

Noted English mathematical physicist Sir Roger Penrose theorizes that at the level of the Planck scale (an unfathomably small and unimaginably energetic scale at which even quantum field theory breaks down) the entire universe is actually pure, abstract information.

  • Not information in the usual sense of the term. Penrose isn’t talking about words or binary code.

  • It’s not electromagnetic waves carrying pictures or other electronic signals.
    **Things like microwaves are positively gigantic compared to the Planck scale.

Rather Penrose believes~
the Planck scale is the abstract realm of ideals that Plato talked about:!
an intangible substrate of absolute coherence and mathematical geometry from which the physical world is derived and formed.

What is sacred geometry after all?

Dr. Stuart Hameroff, anesthesiologist and consciousness studies expert, professor at the

#TheMatrix, #Matrix, #HolographicUniverse, #Hologram, #ParticleDuality, #Light,
#Supersymmetry, #JamesGates, #QuantumComputing, #QuantumPhysics, #ElectromagneticSpectrum, #realms

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