matt sokol - like ants, like machine (GTR17) / [math rock]
About time I got back to some guitar videos... Here's a math idea I'm working on, goes back and forth between riffy odd-time and polyrhythmic 4s. I tried to throw some tonal variation in there too - not easy!
Gonna be doing a bunch of guitar for the next few weeks, since I won't have my drums set up until October from the looks of it. I'm feeling a math rock spree coming on.

Sounds good. If this is just improvising, I'm jealous. Great polyrhythms too.
You have a blue guitar! Wallace Stevens would dig it:
The new digs look comfy.
And now I've seen your hair drier. That thing is a beast! It looks like it was designed by Cthulu himself.
That's an awesome poem! It isn't often that a poem resonates with me, but I really dig this one. Trust me it's NOT an improvisation, I had to work on it for a few hours.
I'm actually crashing at my friend's place for the week before I move into my new digs - that hair drier is my friend's. She says it's called THE DEFUSER.
Oh let me guess, she keeps it next to her back massager, right? ;-)
Actually I was convinced it was something you needed to maintain your marvelous mane. I used to have hippy-long hair but it was never so fabulous.
So pimp.
thanks :-)
thank you
great post....