in #math7 years ago (edited)

A world without mathematics can not be thought ...

God Made All Things According to One Measure

God Made All Things According to One Measure Our Almighty Lord has said, "We have created everything according to a measure", saying that everything created with the 49th verse of Surat al-Kamer is in order. God (Allah) has not created anything arbitrarily and arbitrarily. Everything God (Allah) has created has a balance, harmony and beauty. Everything he creates is measured. God (Allah) created all things in their place. Because He, Surah Hud, exists on the basis of a meaning and reason, a reason and a wisdom, which is "in a straight path" at the 56th month, whose creation never lacks, lacks and irregularities, creates "everything with a destiny / measure". And above all, He makes unchangeable and impenetrable laws.


People have tried to discover the magical balance of nature within itself since the first time. Throughout their history, research has found that there is a harmony between the parts of all living and non-living beings, and that this balance has never changed in a systematic way.

This system of the universe occurs at a mathematical rate. This is a special orbal that exists in the form and structure of all beings in the nature. Everything corresponds to a number in a systematic way. This structure, which we can call the mathematical system of the universe, is called the "golden ratio".

The correlation is known as the "golden ratio", which is known as the Creator's mathematical system, since it is found that there is a harmony between all parts of objects and beings that we can see in the face, and that it has not changed for thousands of years. This ratio, which we can encounter many times in art and mathematics, is actually based on a simple rule. But in the realm of all beings we can observe, this ratio is valid and consistent, and it is a system that is so serious as to make people wonder. The fact that the universe has a consistent ratio of 1,618, which will be explained below in all beings since its inception, has become a subject matter that world renowned mathematicians have admired and used in their own work.
Although it is not known that it was first discovered by some, it seems that the Egyptians and the Greeks have done some research on this subject. Euclid, in his essay "Elements" he wrote about 300 years ago in Milatan, expressed the golden ratio as "dividing the extremes and important square." The golden ratio known as the "Fibonacci Numbers" in the keops pyramid of the Egyptians, in the works of Leonardo da Vinci in the work "Divine Proportion" and in the objects and works to be counted below. Leonardo Fibonacci of the Italian Age, the most famous mathematician of the Middle Ages, discovered sequential relations between each other and the numbers he claimed to have had an extraordinary rate. Due to the discovery of these numbers overlapping in the wonderful arrangement in the background, the golden ora is also called the first two letters of the name "Fi" (Φ).

As is known, there are "pi" (Π) numbers in mathematics corresponding to the number 3,14 and obtained by the diameter of the periphery of a circle. The golden ratio is given by a constant number equal to 1,618 in mathematics, just like pi (Π), and is represented by the symbol "Fi" (Φ). The number (Φ), ie the gold ratio, is basically used to find the mathematical rule:



"An AC line segment must be divided at such a point B that the ratio of the small segment to the large segment should be equal to the ratio of the large segment to the entire line. That is, as we can describe from the right part above, the ratio of the ratio of the minor part BC to the major part BC must be equal to the proportion of the AC part of the major part BC. "This rule also applies to" x ^ (2) -x -1 = 0 ".

The most surprising aspect of mathematics in the number 1,618, where the gold ratio corresponds, is an inverse of inversion; and the sum of the squares is equal to a surplus. In this respect, the golden ratio (Φ) is the only one with this unique feature in the environment. If we open this rule a bit, we can say: The opposite of a number is the result of dividing that number by 1. For example, the inverse of 2 is 1/2 = 0.5. The inverse of the gold ratio is 1 / 1,618 = 0,618. So the inverse of the golden ratio is equal to 1 minus its own. In the same way, the square of the golden ratio is equal to 1,618〗 ^ (2) = 2,618, that is, a surplus of itself. This is a surprise situation and there is no other number in this feature!

The golden ratio is best understood as a geometric form called a golden rectangle and consisting of a crown. Here's how we can get to the gold over this rectangle:





"Leonardo Pisano" in Pisa city of Italy, or "Fibonacci" as his nickname, is known as the most influential mathematician of the Middle Ages. The number array found by Fibonacci is known as the Fibonacci numbers of his own name. The feature of these numbers is that each of the numbers in the sequence consists of the sum of the two numbers that come before themselves.

The Fibonacci sequence progresses to 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584,
If the numbers in the sequence are intercepted before, you get very close numbers. In fact, this number is fixed after the number in the 13th row. This number is 1,618, which is called the "golden ratio".
233/144 = 1,618
377/233 = 1,618
610/377 = 1,618
987/610 = 1,618
1597/987 = 1,618
2584/1597 = 1,618


This ratio can be observed in many beings in nature as a miracle of God. It is possible to find the golden ratio from the DNA helix in our cells to the shapes of the galaxies on the far side. It is reported in Surat Thala that "Our Lord has made a measure for all things". (Surat al-Talak, 3) Here the Golden Ratio is one of the proofs of creation that Allah has created for us in the outer world.



Human Head: As you know, each person has a point called a knot point, which is the head of one or more hair. The hair that comes out of this point is not straight, that is, it is not vertical, it comes out by making a spiral, a curve. This tangency of the spiral or the curve will give us the golden ratio.


In the picture above, the mask you see on the face of Marilyn Monroe was created according to the golden orb. In this photo combined with this mask, Monreo's nose's length, eyes' position and jaw's length are fully seated in this mask. This is mathematically proving the beauty of Monroe, one of the most iconic women of history.


The surveys made by Alessandra Ambrosio, Katy Perry, Kelly Brook, Jessica Alba, Rita Ora, Kate Moss, Helen Mirren, Kim Kardashian, Scarlett Johansson, Salma Hayek, Kendall Jenner, Amber Heard and Marilyn Monroe, the gold shows that it is very close. Among them, the most suitable face line for gold is Amber Heard with the closeness of 91.85%.



Daisy Flower: There is a golden ratio in Daisy Flower as it is in sunflower.


Sunflower: From the center of the sunflower to the outside, from right to left and from left to right, a golden ratio of the number of the numbers gives the golden ratio


Human Body: The elbow, which is part of the human body, divides the arms into two parts (the upper part and the lower part). As the upper division of the columna gives the lower division ratio the golden ratio, the upper division ratio of the entire colum gives the gold ratio again.


Fingers: The lower strangulation rate of your fingers will give you the golden ratio, and the upper strangulation rate of your finger will give the golden ratio again.


Egyptian Pyramids: The ratio of the height of each pyramid to the height of the pyramid is again the golden ratio.


Picasso: Picasso is a famous painter like Leonardo da Vinci. And he used this rate in his paintings.

Picasso's Old Guitarist Picture

picasso The Old Guitarist (Yaşlı Gitarist) 1903.jpg

Pine Cone: The pine cones fall out of a fixed point beneath the cone, creating spirals (curves) towards another fixed point at the top of the cone. Here is the golden line of curvature of this curve.


Sea Shell: We went to sea. We are paying attention to sea shells, maybe we have a collection. Here, when the structure of the sea shell is examined, a curvature is determined and it is seen that the golden ratio of this tangent is tangent.


Mimar Sinan: This gold ratio is seen in many works of Mimar Sinan. For example, this rate is seen in the minarets of Suleymaniye and Selimiye Mosque.

Selimiye Mosque


Suleymaniye Mosque


Leonardo da Vinci: As you know, Leonardo da Vinci is a renowned painter of the Renaissance period. Now let's examine the paintings of this famous painter. Mona Lisa: The transverse ratio of this table gives the golden ratio.

Mona Lisa Picture

Vitruvius Man


Tobacco Plant: There is a curvature in the arrangement of the leaves of the tobacco plant. This is the golden tangent of your curvature.



leaf-of-garden-fern_23-2147810822 eğrelti.jpg

Electric Circuit:


Snail: If a snail shell is passed, this plane forms a rectangle (we call this rectangle the golden rectangle .-) Here the transverse ratio of this rectangle gives the golden ratio.


In the Automotive Industry: There are slope lines in new modern cars and curvature angle in aesthetic view.


Mecca and the Kabe: The discoveries concerning the relations between the Golden Ratio, Mecca, the Kaaba and the Qur'an are adding a new one every day. We can see that the city of Mecca is located in the Golden Ratio region of Arabia and the Kabe is located in the Golden Ratio region of the city of Mecca in the measurements made with the Golden Ratio perched called Leonardo pergeli. According to probability calculations, it is impossible for all these to happen by chance.


Universe: The golden spiral of the Milky Way Galaxy is a good example when it contains our solar system. We are also rushing in the storms and vortices of our world. Below you can look at the image of the Sandy Whirlwind, which shot the American continent in 2012.


Sandy Hurricane


Brands and Logos: Toyota, Mercedes, Twitter, Apple, Google, Pepsi brands, such as designing the logos of the ideal match rate of the golden ratio has benefited.








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