The Pi Product Symbol For Multiplying Numbers

In an earlier post, I talked about adding numbers/quantities together with the sigma sum notation.
We had , be replaced by

In this post, the focus is on the multiplication case. Instead of having , you would use

The big Pi symbol above is used to represent a product of numbers.
The Pi Product Notation
Suppose you have the expression .
In terms of product notation, this can be represented as:

The starting number is when k = 2
which would be just 2. Then you increase the index variable k by one each time you get the next number. When k is 3 you have the next number as 3. Continue this process until you have the upper limit of k = 10.
(The above example is an example of an ascending factorial. You can start the index at k = 1
instead of k = 2
Variables With Subscripts Case
Consider the case where you multiply the following:

The subscripts keep increasing by 1. The above can be represented in product notation as:

I have used a different index variable which is j. (You could use other common letters like i
, or k
A Few Algebra Applications
Exponent Laws
The following expression

can be expressed as . The
represents the number of twos in the product. In Pi product notation, the above can be represented as:
If you have something like , it can be expressed as

In this example, I use the natural logarithm where .
One property of logarithms is where the logarithm of a product is the sum of the logarithms with separate components.

The general case for logartihms would be as follows:

- A more complicated application that uses the Pi Product notation is the Lagrange Interpolating Polynomial for fitting a polynomial to points.
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