The Truth about Materialism

in #materialism6 years ago (edited)


What is the first thing that comes into many people mind on Black Friday? Shopping? Buying more possession? The desire to own more goods due to the cheap promotion?

Well. Many people (**not referring to all people) most probably will go into the materialism mode when comes to Black Friday. However, I would like to reveal the truth about materialism and its negative impact.

When people simply just spending money on buying more materialistic possession/items, they are contributing themselves to materialism and greed. Their life is being controlled and influenced by that materialistic possession due to the strong satisfaction to want more.

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I would like to break it to you that this satisfaction driven by materialism is just an artificial pleasure. This artificial pleasure will not last long and it is just a short moment to make you feel excited and think as if you want more possession. It makes you don't realize that you actually do not need more possession. Unfortunately, due to the materialism attitude, it will continue to not make you realize the truth that you already have enough in your life.

On top of that, if an individual just spending their money buying on these possessions and DID NOT spend that money on righteous/ethical cause like for God’s mission or work, assisting in spreading the Word of God’s message, helping the unfortunate or poor community, provide food or clothing support to homeless people, provide financial support to genuine charity organisation or any other good cause that is helping the community to become better. Then for this case, I believe it is not that wise to do so because the money that you spend on is just contributing to materialism and greed.

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The reality is that these materialistic possessions that you spend on will not last forever. It is simply just a temporary possession that you get to own in this current world. These materialistic possessions will soon perish and you cannot hold on to it forever as it will not be permitted in God’s kingdom.

When the final chastisement fully happens, these materialistic possessions will be destroyed and no longer be matter anymore.

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Therefore, it is very important to avoid yourself from falling into the materialism trap. You need to tell yourself that you don't need those extra possessions as you have everything that you need in your current life. (**Of course, i'm referring specifically to extra possession that you don't need, not referring to those basic necessities. For basic necessities, you need to get it because it is for your own survival needs).

Start now getting rid of materialism and greed from the mind and spend the money wisely on God's mission, the basic necessities/needs that require in life, the meaningful things or for a righteous cause.

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As now we are living at the end of days period already, the whole world is about to crumble due to the final chastisement, now is the right time to humble ourselves and treat this short remaining time to get rid of materialism and learn the God's way.

Learn the whole truth at:


Very wise words, being someone who used to fill the void with a bunch of items that brought me back to younger years, I could have saved so much money, probably ate better, and tithed more!

Thanks for sharing this, brother! I like how you stated it as an "artificial pleasure," that's a good one. It's important to know the truth.

Matthew 6:19-21 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

I would invest in my salvation, not my comforts.

Salvation and GODcoin is another good option.

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