Who is running the show (into the ground)?
Hi Everyone: the One Drive link 2 lines below will bring you to the document with footnotes, which is much easier to read...the material below gives a good idea, but I see STEEMIT could not handle the links/footnotes--->
Towards the end, there are a few questions that everyone should consider. Please do not miss those. As you read, be sure to make at least a mental note that everything in this world and beyond depends to a greater and greater extent on LOVE (or the lack of it!) This has been true from the very beginning and should become increasingly evident as you read this note.
Certain parts of this may shock some such that continued reading is difficult, because we are reiterating what God has quite clearly detailed repeatedly: people working together tend to generate greater SIN (and build towers…) So please do your best to finish reading this, it is less than seven full pages and not very fine print (btw: you may even end up being at least marginally inspired, since this points to the solution!) Be sure please also to note that there are decent, honest, hard-working folk scattered throughout, those may just need to be prodded or knocked upside the head into thinking more clearly, and since we never so much as touch others, and rarely do we run across receptive types, someone else will have to do the prodding/knocking. (If you're saying to yourself now: oh no I just cannot stand another GoD (YAH) document, stay tuned here, you will be surprised, meaning much of the document takes place in the here and now with almost no apparent connection to heavenly matters and most likely, you'll even note that some modern-day heros/heroines are quoted!)
To begin, this and the following paragraph or two here were inserted (JFK never stopped editing his documents either!)1 in the hopes that those who have concluded that some microscopic segment (.1% or less?) of society is running the show (into the ground) will consider additional possibilities and even a substantially different explanation for what is primarily responsible for corrupting our favorite planet and everything else. (Besides: to assume that a mostly inbred band of folk have some expert management skills such that another 40%2 of the population are unwillingly enforcing the tyrannical state is at the most improbable- the 40% are thoroughly committed and cooperating because they're also accepting payola/bribery (and/or ransacking at least one of the people groups/ treasuries3) to keep the system going! In so doing, the 40% spend quite large portions of the time4 controlling/broadcasting media and nodding/winking.) In addition to the .1%, middle to upper management types (plus wanna-bees, etc.) are profiting nicely from the current state of affairs and think they are required to do just about anything5 to keep the system going, and are fortifying their positions such that their dream/future seems ever more inexorable. (This 40% maintains their own regular hierarchical, mostly (faux-) paternalistic/authoritative system6 (non-meritorious and greatly geared towards some form/degree of indentured servitude) to disguise pseudo-reality, and these make it happen with nearly unlimited budgets paid for by the 59.9%. Please note: the 59.9% are paying to play these games, and are also saddled with the expenses of maintaining the system. Evidence is continuing to pile up illustrating that a sizeable portion of the population is doing quite well within the current system and that those will go to great lengths to defend it. Since many of the 40% are simply perceiving that their ship has come in, the illusories continue. No real ongoing satisfaction can ever be experienced without ChristLOVE... (Perceptions? Please note what (Sir?) Henry Kissinger says below about those.)
So, regarding the attempts to keep the system (mal-) functioning sufficiently:
"Power always acts destructively, for its possessors are ever striving to lace all phenomena of social life into a corset of their laws to give them a definite shape. Its mental expression is dead dogma; its physical manifestation of life, brute force. This lack of intelligence in its endeavors leaves its imprint likewise on the persons of its representatives7, gradually making them mentally inferior and brutal, even though they may have been originally excellently endowed (and get this: even somewhat peaceable?) Nothing dulls the mind and soul of man as does the eternal monotony of routine, and power is essentially routine." - Rudolf Rocker, "Nationalism and Culture", 1937. (Please be especially careful: Mr. Rocker's ideas can also bear on what may seem to be perfectly legitimate opposition groups8.)
Be sure also to note the apparently demonic displays/physical manifestations of arrogant power (conversely, the lack of power and/or the desire to obtain more power can be equally arrogant) at Waller County, Richmond County, Orlando, Dallas and others and most especially note what Orwell suggests about oppositional groups below.)
(The aforementioned material and that which follows has been greatly derived via experiences/observations in the USA, but can easily be applied elsewhere.)
It is not only foolish but dangerous to assume that 1% versus 99.9% is anywhere near the true state of affairs, and your favorite social critic reminds US:
This latest aristocracy is made up for the most part of bureaucrats, scientists, technicians, trade-union organizers, publicity experts, sociologists, teachers, journalists and professional politicians9. These people, whose origins lay in the salaried middle class and the upper grades of the working class, have been shaped and brought together by the barren world of monopoly industry and centralized government (routine power bases/organized crime syndicates?) As compared with their opposite numbers in past ages, they are...more conscious of what they are doing and more intent10 on crushing opposition...by comparison with that existing today, all the tyrannies of the past were half-hearted and inefficient. – “1984″
SOME OF US MAY ACTUALLY BE THE OPPOSITION (that needs to be crushed?)
Orwell did not mention the hedge-fund accountants, HMO e-bit/pill-pushers/needle-wielders, pensioners (who long ago may have ingratiated themselves under these tyrannics,) information gatherers, tattle-tales, abortionists, evangelicals, pastors, stay-at-home enablers, and all the other multitudes (wanna-be servile types?) who benefit from11 and generally would fight to defend these structures12...oh so you say, there's no way to stop it since there are so many who benefit from the chaos! BINGO? (we know that if you are reading this now, you want to find a way out13, so please be sure to keep reading and be sure to make special note of what role actors/actresses play (and those faking SSDI and/or workers compensation!)
However, most of the above will insist that large portions of the tyrannicals are actually seeking to help others:
"The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrants, and it provides the further advantage of giving the servants of tyranny a good conscience" - Albert Camus: French novelist, essayist, and playwright (1957 Nobel Prize for Literature. 1913-1960)
"There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetuated under the shield of law and in the name of justice."
-Charles de Montesquieu
And whilst contemplating some portion(s) of the above, here's what Mario Savio (UC Berkeley) said about bringing a halt to it:
"There's a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious-makes you so sick at heart-that you can't take part. You can't even passively take part. And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop. And you've indicated to the people who run it, to the people who own it (and the complicit decision makers+wanna-bees), that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!" (What means Mario: are we to attach ourselves to the wheels and levers (
Are there enough people who are willing to risk everything? (Is it really a risk?- "Consider it pure joy when you suffer for truth/Jesus..." (James 1:2))
Be sure to notice that although Orwell above seems to suggest that things cannot get much worse than what is pointed out, the evidence shows that things have gotten much worse and our prediction is that things will soon get even worse if the system simply continues, and that sooner rather than later!
Also, the predominant attitude of US against THEM must also take into consideration the Biblical fact that all have sinned (can you find one who does not sin?)- notwithstanding that other irksome truth: Eve could not have capsized14 the entire alone and Adam doubled up!- SINergy is much worse and Jesus came to divide even families15, such that SINergy might be more contained. And scrambling peoples languages was NOT done in the hopes that they would join into groups of social engineers, human resource directors____ or what-nots! And so far, as we present these ideas to more and more, we are feeling increasingly abandoned:
"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe(s)16. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Friedrich Nietzsche
To complicate very large portions of what is written here, many who adhere to or who support these tyrannics will claim to be fighting for truth--
"One of the world's greatest problems is the impossibility of any person searching for the truth on any subject when they believe they already have it." --Dave Wilbur/Steve Quayle
"It's not a matter of what is true that counts but a matter of what is perceived to be true." --Henry Kissinger
"Most of the greatest evils that man has inflicted upon man have come through people feeling quite certain about something which, in fact, turned out to be false." - Bertrand Russell
"The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule" - H. L. Mencken
"It is easy to be conspicuously 'compassionate' if others are being forced to pay the cost." -- Murray N. Rothbard
"People constantly speak of 'the government' doing this or that...but the government is really nothing but a group of people, and usually they are very inferior." -- H.L. Mencken
And combine the above with this--“The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.”― Charles Bukowski/Cass Sunstein
"The American people don't believe anything until they see it on television." Richard Nixon
"Skepticism seems to be prevailing now in many quarters, but gullibility is right behind...same may reverse itself without notice." James Mansfield
"In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." George Orwell
"He who does not bellow out the truth when he knows the truth makes himself the accomplice of liars and forgers." - Charles Peguy (1873-1914) French poet, essayist and editor
To attempt to close this (LOVE?) letter
Since 'power always acts destructively’ (see above) how acts absolute power?—be sure to view the trailer(s) at
Yours Truly and meeker/more powerLESS? than ever!
Jm ([email protected] - keep trying and check spam for responses)
PS: Have we become your enemy by telling you the truth? (Galatians 4:16) What is your degree of participation in the destruction of the opposition? "Look...we're just trying to survive/following orders/issuing summonses/erecting towers of indifference!?!"
PPS: we almost forgot to saddle the media with some significant portion of the blame for much of what is related here. But anyone with a functioning conscience should immediately begin pondering the extent to which they themselves have played a somewhat vital role in the emergence of this state of affairs. (And although we have next to zero control over our selected politicians, evidence suggests that we do have some control over the media, though same may be slipping away quickly!)
NEXT TOPIC: SINergistically (malignant?) tendencies in the workplace17 and/or what management can do to minimize/eliminate same and/or reduce probability of being implicated...if the implication is already effected, can we identify it's source?
ATTN: lower-level lying loyalists (LLLLs)- you'll note that while this latter advice seems addressed to upper level liars (ULLs), you may be contributing also. And while Orwell did refer to "...these people, whose origins lay in the salaried middle class and the upper grades of the working class...", since more & more people are sinking but seeking to rise from the lower levels, these are also susceptible to ulterior motivations/bribery/trickeries/payola/collusions ("...here's 129 Fractional Re$erve Note$, don't listen to that guy and file a false report while you're at it! If your false report$ hit a nerve $omewhere or other, you can count on more note$...")
(The discussions above invariably lead to the question: what the heck is going on, and are there cases in which SINergistics leads to other threatening (city)states? Could any state be more ominous than being under the control of the monetarists18?)
The above also implies that those associations (labor unions) which seem to have served a very large percentage of the people well for decades are primarily serving the interests of some portion(s) of the 41% and that is not likely to change anytime soon, since bureaucracies with access to treasury(ies) never stop metasticizing/conflagrating/towering?
In a series of vicious holocausts and degradations of Nature/God/populations, the above mentioned crime factions/syndicates have brought US++ to the brink of destruction...what role has SINergy played in this last segment19 of human HIStory20? People working together and seeking to be of one mind (Revelation 17:13) giving all authority/being loyal to the beast(s)?
Praying for the revival one way or the other and especially upon myself, in the name of Jesus/Yeshua....AMEN!
Balzac (French author/realist): "Whatever evil you hear of society, believe it...then you will know that the world is a gathering of dupes and rogues. Be of neither party." (New World Encyclopedia)
We've already heard the complaints: don't be so pessimistic! We're actually quite certain that greater glory is within reach, but society is ignoring not only the life, death and resurrection, but also those who follow Jesus and are willing to sacrifice...although we all sin and fall short of the glory, complete, obstinate ignorance is a very serious offense and there seems not much time to make the change: the re-boot is going to be upon US before you know it!
Here's a link to the poem that reiterates/exemplifies/explains much of what is detailed above and is somewhat parodic--> We hope you consider these warnings and dare, to help in this struggle...
And please keep in mind that although much of what is pointed out herein seems mostly associated with 'normal' human groups (organized syndicates), similar principles are at work in LA COSA NOSTRA.
Be of good cheer: no matter what happens from here, even if LOVE eternal does not begin to be more completely emphasized by more folk, we are headed for greater glory! (Remember, since LOVE fulfills the law (Romans 12:10) and LOVE covers a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8) beware since the LOVE of most is growing colder (Mat 24:12) SHALOM to all!!
Final notes:
Keep in mind also that many of the folks (sinners) are simply doing what they've been told to do and/or are doing what they think they're supposed to be doing!
Working together is not the answer, unless LOVE and TRUTH are completely emphasized!
Good news for sinners: the SINergistic nature of society means that we MAY be able to shift some responsibility to others?
Exodus 23:2--> you shall not go after the majority to do evil, nor shall you testify in a matter of strife to incline towards the majority to pervert justice.
Not explicitly stated above: when associations of people have an economic/financial basis, the speed at which those organizations reflect a SINergistic state of affairs is beyond comprehension! (Besides, the natural and seemingly normal progression of events after the point of no return21 is reached is that these just cited will spawn more sinful configurations of contractors, vendors and the like and/or will generate hostile and non-hostile takeovers as shown above.)
Well written
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