BitBlocks - Masternode Setup

in #masternodes6 years ago

 Initial wallet setup

  • Download the latest wallet for your operating system which is available in our wallets repository.
  • Launch the wallet and allow it to synchronize
  • Click on debug console found in tools

  • Type {masternode genkey} — copy the generated key and exit the console
     Save the private key in a text file for future use.
  • Go to receiving wallets found in files — create masternode wallet, by creating a new wallet, called masternode1 Copy the address by right-clicking and selecting “Copy Address”

  • Send EXACTLY 30.000 coins to masternode1 wallet by pasting the copied address.
    Note that this has to be sent in ONE transaction.
  • Wait for 16 confirmations.
  • Go back to debug console and type masternode outputs
  • Copy the transaction id and output id Save the output in the text file for future use.

Get a VPS ( masternode server )

We recommend renting a VPS with because they are fast and cheap.

  • Create an account:

  • Deploy a new server
  • Choose a location close to you to have a fast connection
  • Choose Ubuntu 16.04 x64 as operating system and take the 5$ server size. This is sufficient.

  • Move to step 7 and give your masternode VPS a name.

  • Click “Deploy now”
     The server is now being started. Please wait until the status is “Available”.
  • Click the server name and copy the IP-address and password via the copy button.

Configure your masternode

Depending upon which operating system you are using follow the correct section:

1. Windows — PuTTY

1.1 Install PuTTY and run it.

  • You will be greeted with the following page

  • Fill the Host name field with the IP address you previously copied and click “Open”.
  • You will see a popup asking you if you trust this host. Choose Yes! ( this will only be asked once ).

  • Login as “root”. Hit ENTER
  • Copy the password you saved previously and right click in the putty terminal. ENTER.
  • You are now logged into your server:

 2. Mac/Linux — Terminal (preinstalled)

  • You can find Terminal by following the steps:
  • Go to Finder, Applications then click on utilities, then you’ll find the terminal there.

  • Type: ssh root@YourMasternodeIPaddress. ENTER.
  • You are now logged into your server.

2.1 General steps

Let’s update our system to the latest version to make sure we are secure.

  • Type: ``sudo apt-get update`` ENTER
  • Wait until this finishes
  • Type: ``sudo apt-get upgrade`` ENTER

  • Type “y” if the system ask for the confirmation of updating the system.

Remember that you can copy the text below and paste it in to the server via RIGHT-MOUSE click for PuTTY, or CMD-V for MACInstall the dependencies.

  • Type: `` sudo apt install build-essential libtool autotools-dev automake pkg-config libssl-dev libevent-dev bsdmainutils git libdb4.8-dev libdb4.8++-dev curl`` ENTER
  • Type: `` sudo apt install libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-chrono-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-thread-dev libzmq3-dev`` ENTER
  • Type: ``sudo apt-get install git`` ENTER
  • Type “y” if the system ask for the confirmation of updating the system.

Clone Bitblocks code

Now if you Type ``ls`` you can see the BitBlocks folderAdd permissions

  • Type ``chmod -R 755 BitBlocks``

Go to BitBlocks folder

  • Type ``cd BitBlocks``


Optional: Type ``screen`` ENTER for keep the command working even if you close the putty                 Optional: If your VPS have less them 1gb RAM

Make a swap file

Type `` sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile bs=1M count=3000``                                               Type `` sudo mkswap swapfile``                                                                             Type `` sudo swapon swapfile``                                                                              More info about swap file:

 Now let’s compile BitBlocks daemon

  • Type ``./``
  • Type ``./configure``
  • Type ``make``

Now will take some time for your vps compile the BitBlocks walletGo back to your local wallet

2.2 Masternode config file in the wallet

  • Go to open masternode configuration file in the wallet — found on the ‘tools’ menu 
     Here you will see the format and an example ( these three lines are comments so they have no effect )

The format is like this: 

  • Add your own real working node details under it.
  • Put the masternode wallet name, i.e — MN01
  • Put the server IP address ( your vultr ip or other vps/vm ip) followed by the port : 58697
  • Put the private key generated in step 1.4
  • Put the transaction hash and output id from step 1.7

Example below 

  • Once complete, save the file

The file will look like this: 

Configure the .conf file in VPS

Go to putty and login in your VPS like the steps 1.1

  • Type: ``cd BitBlocks`` ENTER
  • Type: ``cd src`` ENTER
  • Type: ``./bitblocksd -daemon`` ENTER

  • Type: ``cd ..`` ENTER
  • Type: ``cd ..`` ENTER
  • Type: ``cd .bitblocks`` ENTER
  • Type: ``sudo nano bitblocks.conf``ENTER
  • Type:
rpcuser=bitblocksrpc                                                                                                                                                                                     rpcallowip=                                                                                                                                                                                                               listen=1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            server=1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        daemon=1                                                                                                                                                                                                                     logtimestamps=1                                                                                                                                                                                                   maxconnections=256                                                                                                                                                                                                           masternode=1                                                                                                                                                                                          masternodeprivkey=xxxxxxxxxx                                                                                                             rpcpassword=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Where masternodeprivkey = your masternode genkey (Check 1.4 steps)
and rpcpassword = random characters

Starting the wallet

  • Type: ``cd BitBlocks`` ENTER
  • Type: ``cd src`` ENTER
  • Type: ``./bitblocksd -daemon`` ENTER

Now your vps wallet needs to sync and it will also take a few minutes

Starting the masternode

When your vps wallet is sync you can start the masternode

  • Restart the local wallet
  • Go to your wallet and go to the masternode page.

Select the masternode and press: “Start alias”.To verify that the masternode is running on the vps:

  • Type : cd ~/bitblocks/src ENTER
  • Type: ./bitblocks-cli masternode status ENTER
  • If you get this output, you are done:

 Thank you very much for being part of the BBK community.


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SBD 0.64