the taxi experience

I wake up with the same tired and hateful expression that I always had,I wake up like a still and lifeless zombie.I get up and I brush my teeth before I head to my boring job.I didn't have any mode of transportation so I used this taxi app on my cell phone.As the app shows me the face of my driver I start to recognize who that was.the man was Johnathan Adams bullied me for the 10 years that we were in school together.A sense of rage and anger filled me.this was the person who bullied me,he was also my sister Danikas abusive ex-boyfriend who broke her heart and treated her like garbage.Because of him my sister took her own life.He had no regret of that either.not only did he laugh about it but he continued to mock and insult my sister.I couldn't even fight him.I was weak and cowardly when I was young.He continued to beat me and treat me like can imagine how I felt after seeing this mans face after so many years.I felt a determination to take his life.I quickly grabbed a knife a put it in the pocket of my jacket.As I got in the car I sat in the back seat and asked him to drive.On the way when I made sure that nobody could see us I wrap my arm around his neck and proceed to strangle him."This is for Danika!"I yell,the man gives a look of shock as I stab him in the stomach.Johnathan swerved his car into an empty alleyway and crashed it.thankfully this played to my advantage.I could get out of the car running and pretend like i was hurt.but before I left I used some alcohol to ignite the car so that there would be no evidence left behind.I step out of the car and ignite it making sure to pour so much alcohol on so that he just ends up being ashes.that way they cant tell if he would have been stabbed or not.I jump out of the car with my leg injured from the crash.It was a perfect way to get witnesses were there,I was injured too so it would seem less like I was the murderer and best of all the alcohol would make it seem like drunk driving.I walk out of the car limping putting on some false distraught look."help!hes crashed,he not moving,please help me!"I yell out to get somebody to come.over time somebody does come to help.the incident is reported as drunk driving and I get away with no suspicion on me.I then get escorted to an ambulance and arrive home from the hospital calling in sick to work.

A few days afterwards after killing Jonathan I feel like less of a tired and hateful person.No longer did I get up feeling like shit.anyway I'm checking my emails.It was a high school reunion invitation.I thought that I might as well go.later as I read through it I realize that a memorial is being held for Jonathan."they"re holding a memorial for that scumbag?"I think. Nevertheless I decide to go.As I reach the gate I see my high school crush Jane.She was looking as beautiful as ever.After the reunion I get Jane's number and we go on a date next week.
There's a place called Pizza Mountain near our old high school.back when I was still studying there I would go to that place with my friends.In fact a lot of people would go.on most days the place would be packed with students from our after a few fights Jonathan was banned from that place.this made me like it even more cause there was a place a could go where he couldn't bully me. obviously I decide to take Jane there just for old times sake.Jane and I got to talking we were having a pretty good time until she said one sentence that ill never forget."what happened to john is so sad,he was a great man and drunk driving was the last thing wed expect him to do".this shocked me.the man who did horrible things to people in high school was being treated like some kind of angel.besides this one moment though Jane and I completely hit it off.Jane and I kept going dates and eventually we became a couple and fell in love with each other.I also managed to get in touch with some of my old classmates and found out that Johnathan had a family.I decided to visit his widow.judging by how Johnathan treated Danika this woman must have been happy he was dead.I was completely wrong.She wouldn't stop crying and spoke so well of him.Johnathan also had two little kids that he adopted.They spoke of Johnathan as if he was the greatest man alive.After some digging I find some things out.Johnathan had completely changed.He felt remorse for all the horrible things he did.The man adopted two kids and not just that but he was a loving husband and father.He gave to charity and helped people out.He took care of his parents as well and would go the extra mile to help anyone of his friends or family.The man would go to church every Sunday and beg for forgiveness.He was a great man.A man who had no evil in his heart.

Over the next few days I didn't go outside the house at all.I killed a good man.The worst part of it all was that I did something I never thought I would do...I forgave him.seeing that Johnathan's family had nobody to support it I gave all my life savings to them.even after this I felt guilt.I couldn't forgive myself for what I did and so I made the last decision I would ever make.the last life id take would be my own.If you're reading this then you'll see my body hanging from the fan as well.yes,what you're reading now is my suicide letter.I want you all to know that Johnathan did not drink and drive.He was innocent until his last breath.I want you to tell his family that i'm sorry even though i know they'll never forgive me .not just that but I want to tell Jane that I still love her and that my last good thoughts would be of her smile.I want nobody to mourn for me and I don't want a high end funeral,a monster like me doesn't deserve it.


It's a little difficult reading this, as there's not much breathing space left inbetween paragraphs, but I like the lenght of it.
Also the paragraphs are very big, you could try making them shorter by adding some space after a couple of (3-4) sentences.

I suggest you to try using the ''Enter'' key on your keyboard in a some places and you'll see the post becomes easier on the eye. Just make sure you don't do it in totally random places; the sentences should complete eachother.

Don't forget to use space after punctuation (commas, dots, etc).

Now about the story / plot itself, I'd say you've done a good job with it. It was quite thrilling, had me sit at the edge of my chair. I wanted to know what happened next and you fed the right information to me.

You should definitely keep on writing more and experiment with stuff!

thanks actually also if you see my other posts youll see i write a actually willing to accept ideas and challenges on what to write that people give me

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