Looking for investors and guest judges for my creative contest

in #marveloustales7 years ago (edited)

Love to read stories, or simply have some voting power left to support our Steemian artists? Read on!

Marvelous Tales contest

The Marvelous Tales contest is on its 13th week now and the amount of contestants is picking up! We started off with two to three entries a week, but for the last couple of weeks, more entries have made my job a little harder. Gone are the days of rewarding every entry. I now have some tough choices to make at the end of every competition.

I'm loving the extra entries and I really enjoy reading all of the tales spun by the creative minds of our fellow Steemians. We get to read awesome stories and I'm really amazed at the amount of entries and creativity that comes with this contest. I can't imagine it being easy to write a tale surrounding two words in just 5 days!

The rewards

When I started this contest, I decided to base the rewards on the payout amount of the contest post. I'm not in a position where I can put in my own SBD to sweeten the pot, so for now, this is the way the reward system will stay. We've had some okay payouts, but nothing near what the bigger contest on Steemits reward their contestants with.

I know it's unrealistic to ask for a steady supporter, so I am not asking for that. To give our contestants a little extra, I'm simply asking everyone who enjoys the occassional story from our fellow Steemians to throw the contest post an upvote. The new contest has just started, so there is plenty of time for the reward pool to grow. All it takes is a little bit of your voting power!

If you want to be a steady supporter, but don't have the cash to spare (like myself), you can simply upvote the contest post weekly. Either follow me for convenience in finding the contest, or check out the #marveloustales tag once every week to find the weekly post!

The joining

Now that my humble begging is out of the way, I would also like to tell you (again) that the new contest has just started, so there is plenty of time to join in! There are a few simple rules (like post title, tags and an upvote), with the most important one being 'follow the two given words'. Armed with those two words, you can let your imagination run wild!

So go ahead and join in!

The judging

I love reading all of the contest's entries and I really enjoy judging the contest. I'm definitely going to continue hosting it and judging it. However, I thought it might be fun to have a guest judge once in a while! For now, winners have always been based on my taste. I can judge on how much I like a story and how much it draws me in, but that might not be the same for everyone! I can also judge on a couple of basics, like a clear and clean post with good paragraph use and a consistent writing style, however, I am far from an expert in this.

We've got quite a few writers on Steemit, aswell as some lovers of the written word. If any of you feel up for the task to judge one of the Marvelous Tales contest, I would love to hear from you! You can even pick your own two words of the week! I'll still be judging this week's contest, but I'm up for handing over the reigns to someone else next week. For consistency, I will still be the one publishing the contest posts, aswell as handing out the rewards, but the posts could be filled with your words and winners next time!

Guest judges can make their own entry aswell, but will be excluded from winning prices in their week of judging.

Reply to this post, or send me a message on Steemit.chat if you're interested in being a guest judge.

Thank you very much to all of the Marvelous Tales contestants. You're the ones making this contest a success and I love the places your stories take me!

Thanks for stopping by! If you've enjoy this article, try my other sites:
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Want to satisfy your creative needs? Join the Marvelous Tales Contest!

Become my patron and earn yourself a mention or permanent place in my blog posts!

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I've resteemed your competition notice hopefully you'll get even more notice for it and we can make the contest even more awesome. It looks gr8 as is, if only I could enter XD but I'm terrible at contests haha I can never keep to the guidelines.

Aww thanks so much! I'm glad you like the contest. Why not give it a shot anyway? Maybe some day, the words will trigger a nice fanfiction idea for you :D

I think i have posted this too late from next week i will post in right time
.already some match are running....so from next week i will

Good luck. Would like to be a guest judge

Awesome! Send me a private message on Steemit.chat to tell me your idea for the two words you'd like people to build their tales around, and we'll pick a good time for your week of judging!

Wrote you

Thank you! I'll get back to you as soon as I have some extra time (busy couple of days...).

Thanks brother but i think my post is too late....
I have not received any responses.....next week i will post in right time

Hmm... I have some work to do in the week, not so sure I will be able to consistently judge. BUT I always have some time in the evening :) I'd be honored to be a guest judge. I have some experience in the world of writing, and can apply that to the entries.

One question though, can the guest judge make his own entry too?

Awesome, I'd love to have you guest judge one of the contests. Just send me a private message on Steemit.chat with your two words and we'll pick a week that works for you.

The guest judge can make his own entry, but will be excluded from winning prices. Great question, I'll add this extra info to the post straight away :-)

I think from next week i will post earlier because today some match are already running.....i will contact you in next post.

I am just starting a #steemitvideocontest right now and know exactly how you feel :)

Ooh that's awesome, good luck with your contest! I gave it a little upvote to increase the price pool :-)

Thank you so much!

Good job ...
I think from next week i need to post earlier because today some matches have already started.....from next week i will post earlier and promote the post

I've worked as an editor in my younger days and do a lot of work with Fiction Workshop on PALnet. I'd love to help you judge your entries!

Oh that's awesome! I would love to have you as a guest judge sometime! Just send me a private message through Steemit.chat when you would like to judge and what words you would like the authors to spin their tales around :-)

OK, fun! I'll start thinking...

Thank you😊😊😊
I think i need to post earlier from next week
From next week i will

Sorry friends
I have replied your comments brcause they were appering in my post.....i think there was bug in steemit...

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