Remember the Assassination of MLK for what it really was.
54 years ago, April 4, 1968, a great revolutionary, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee, by U.S. imperialism, with the FBI at the forefront. To U.S. imperialism, and in particular the ultra-reactionary J. Edgar Hoover, Dr. King was a communist & and a serious threat to "national security". He had been targeted by the notorious COINTELPRO for a number of years.
The Counter Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO) was aimed at sabotaging any "subversive" organisation in the U.S., launched by the FBI in 1956. The FBI, far from being a neutral law-enforcement agency, are a modern day Gestapo, tasked with crushing internal "dissent". Dr. King was a personal target of Hoover. After Dr. King's legendary "I Have a Dream Speech" in August 1963, Hoover had the FBI work to destroy Dr. King. Hoover famously said of Dr. King;
"We must mark the most dangerous Negro of the future of the nation from the standpoint of communism..."
When the FBI was turning a blind eye to racist terrorism against African-Americans, it put Dr. King under perpetual surveillance, including tapping his phones. It also resorted to psychological warfare. In 1964, Dr. King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. In November 1964, the FBI sent an anonymous package, urging Dr. King to commit suicide or he would be "exposed" for alleged sexual indiscretions.
The final straw were two critical events in Dr. King's final year. In 1967, he heroically opposed the imperialist war against Vietnam, in opposition to much of the black "establishment", linking the war with poverty & racism, and how poor whites suffered also. Then came his Poor People's Campaign for 1968. His plan was to unite the impoverished of all colours to demand economic change. For U.S. imperialism, this only proved their worst fears. Sabotage & psychological methods hadn't worked. There was but one option. At 6.01pm on April 4, 1968, Dr. King was shot down. Yet, we are supposed to believe it was the actions of a solitary man. Judge for yourself.