Jet Lis top 10 rules to live a great life
Jet Lis Top 10 rules to live a great life
Jet li is one of the most famous action stars in the world, he has made over 45 movies to date and is a hero especially to many especially in Asia. Here are 10 rules that he lives by and says that everyone should live by to live a great and fulfilling life.
1.Find Balance- what ever you do in life its important to find balance, once you go off balance bad things start to happen, so this is very important to stay in balance and in harmony with nature and your natural being.
2.Do your best- Jet li says to always do your best in whatever your doing give it at least 100% then you will have no regrets even if you dont succeed.
3.Be unique- What ever style that you have keep it and be your best self, dont try to imitate other people, there is only one of you in this world so use your unique style to do whatever it is that you do.
4.Keep learning- Be committed to constantly learn and grow as a person, as soon as you stop learning you will start dying so never stop learning, there are so many different art forms and topics you can learn about, commit to one and keep learning it until it is mastered then move on to others.
5.Prove Yourself- Jet li says to prove to yourself that you can do something, if at first you dont succeed , keep trying until you do succeed. do not do it to prove yourself to other people but do it to prove it to yourself that you can achieve your goals.
6.Train hard- Train or practice hard in what ever you are doing, in any sport or art form the training is often the hardest part, but if you can continue to train hard day in and day out, you will surely master what you are doing very soon.
7.Do what you love- Do what you love and also love what you do because if not it will seem like a chore and you will end up hating it and giving up. Pick something to do that you would do for free even if you were not getting paid or not receiving medals for, that way you will not give up so easily.
8.Help Others- Always find ways of helping others on your free time or whenever life calls you to, this good karma will effect you in the long run and people will end up helping you when you need it the most.
9.Make great Friendships- Dont just make acquaintances or casual friends, try to make great friends , friends that will help you in need and also friends that you can hang out with and just have fun, this will greatly enrich your life and add more joy to your life.
10.Perform amazingly- If your asked to perform or do anything in front of people always give your best performance, be a professional and people will respect you and treat you like a master even if you are not one.
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