RE: Is Brazilian jiu jitsu overrated ?
I think grappling is 100% a requirement to be a successful fighter, BJJ, catch as can, or even just wrestling. Also understanding high percentage submissions i.e rnc, triangles,arm bars, is a must in the cage or just for self defense. I totally see where your coming from with if its "hype". Sport BJJ has really changed the system a ton. positions like deep half almost useless(unless your very proficient in your execution) in a situation when your allowed to strike. Regardless of the more exotic positions, I think its pretty easy to say; It's better to have some training than no training. Also when your talking about a one on one altercation I think grappling is a hugely effective system, but when your facing multiple attackers your screwed lol. All and all, to wrap up this extremely long response, Nope! I don't think BJJ is all hype. Learn it and have a blast doing it :)
Great response to the question. I will say that there are some out there that could still do well with multiple attackers. Granted, I am definitely not one of those men lol. But some like Rener Gracie, or some other high level grapplers, could certainly deal with untrained, multiple attackers, effectively with jiu jitsu. Many train, and have videos that cover such. Granted, the mats are different in real life altercations.
Good outlook though!
Yea I can def. agree that when facing multiple untrained opponents it would be more feasible to handle. by the way your logo is awesome.
Yeah, I def don't think just anyone could do that, but I suppose some might fair better than others. Thanks, the logo was designed by @ehzi-dehve. You should check out his work. He also accepts crypto for payment, which is a plus! He's also a martial artist as well.