Mars Secrets Also its Inhabited If u didnt know
is cool if u remote view back in time or forward .... n dont buy into that we could nuke mars to melt the glacier ice water thats stupid only reason they could possibly want us to create that is because there's et groups there some of the billionaire clubs on earth dont like and want out of the way to bascially there trying to get us to use our free will to whipe them out using our co creative superpowers and there ssp craft superweapons... just a theory but prolly pretty damm spot on i bet
found huge vechile tire tracks apprently not everyone use antigrav there....
also there's enourmous setcions missing of map data if ur looking for et bases id look there... or our mars ssp cities... and the areas that look obviously airbrushesd.... this shit about we dont have it mapped is proganda 100% of the planet is mapped now to what degree of resoultion not sure....
wish i could send a spacecraft with cloaking over there to see myself ... why cloaking uhh i dont want other races living there or in that area blowing it up....
theres insects and some animal life there still sure alot was whiped out but some desert species have been reintroduced by various galatic socetieis...
why wwell for 1 its fun!
course alot of the imagery is airbrushed and whatnot
hey on the bright side we got some space to build above ground cities maybe?
im sure majority of the land is considered owned by the insectoids..... or native mars lizard pepole or whatever else
ive met the insectoids in dreams and i know there reptile pepole exist ive been visted by the ships on nurmeous occasions..
but hopefully i can get some trolls on this comeon....
native americans have a legend about ant pepole there very real
and i ve seen real stone paitings of outspace vistors with astronaut suits that was shocking cuz its one thing to see a tv show about it and be like thats cool sure ok
but to actually see it is like holy fuck!
alot of bases are in caves & lava tubes
2 huge reasons more breathable atmosphere down there because simple physics
then to its avg temp is gunna be alot more avgeraged instead of the wild fluctations especially closer to poles its not so different from earth...
i mean they even admitted the moon has atmosphere now
and water underground phhh theres water in air to but how much no idea prolly not alot
i wish i could see it there though cause pyshicly i see mostly just sand everywhere alot looks very similar to all earth desert areas like sahara ....
some near poles mostly has some tiny lakes and decent ponds
but majority of water especially in drier regions that evaportates from ice or whatever ets brining there or us
just evaporates into air if its not kept in storage containers mostly underground or whatever
sure just stuff like this anicent dormant volcano im certain some of these are made to look like the hole is filled in when its not.... like this could be just natural but thatd bea dope spot for a integalatic hive in the middle and undergound
also no1 mentions mars has huge underground tunnel networks to
pretty much every planet or moon in our solar system does even smaller ones
ha i was right the holes are clearly airbrushed cause thers massive difference in them like someone just added a fade out effect on them
im certain all the larger ones have cities in them and underground even found this huge buldge in this one
this area looks like it gets crazy heavy wind hard to tell some of this the images so low res on purpose and edited anyways
its facts we have secret sats to cause for 1 u rich enough u can just launch them..
- usa military admitted in s space x launch feed they have them...
wonder what the crazy bright zone in this is
bright side is the desert preveseres the ancient societies and culutures thatve been on and off mars for millions of years significantly better
these look and feel like some sparse desert forest like joshua tree in california or something
huge line comng out of this crater in that prolly some maglev train and pipeing?
damm this 1 another base in a crater and a trinagular spacecraft landed on surface
rocks dont form perfect triangles naturally lol!
also why if u zoom in more it auto clears everything clearly trying to hide things no other possible reason for that....
looks like theres faces in this one a dome city/town nearby and some other stuff to top righist slightly of middle like joined together bases
2 large craters obviously have bases in this one damm gotta be hundreds of towns at least on mars
thats a assload of underground bases and dome cities and towns... theres millions of ppl on mars already... but eart hhumans hmmm depends on how u define that but yea that exists tho in another realm where mars is like the earth and earth is like whatever and we colonised or explored n setup bases in other dimenions and outposts.... its fun to create life