The Blessedness of Unity in Marriage

in #marriage7 years ago (edited)

In my short life, I have seen couples who are living together but are not really together. They have conflicting views concerning almost every issue of life. What I have learnt is that such marriages never last.

A married man once confided in me how he wanted to divorce his wife and how he needed to do it urgently. I asked "why"?

The man went on and gave me a long and almost unending list of the shortcomings of his wife. On hearing all of that I instantly grew angry with the woman even though we've never met.

Thank God however for wisdom.

Before passing judgement or taking sides, I immediately sent for his wife. The beautiful, young lady also narrated her own version of the story, listing many shortcomings of her husband.

After her explanation, the case looked so complicated. To be sincere, I was thrown into a state of total confusion. Though I'm married with almost four years experience, the matter at hand seemed too knotty.

However, I was able to deduce just one thing-- they lacked unity in that home.

Great steemians, things will always be rowdy in a place where there's no unity. Crisis will always prevail anywhere unity is lacking.

Even though this Nigerian couple was living together, they were really not together. How true is this today of marriages in United States of America, United Kingdom, Norway, Italy, Asia and the rest of Africa.

Little wonder divorce is so prevalent today the world over.

Being a Christian, I talked with them using Biblical references on the need for them to be united in their marriage and they promised that they will make amends.

Two weeks later, on one cool Sunday evening, I saw them together having a family chat. The lady especially was so full of life and beaming with joy that I almost couldn't recognize her. Their home has just been saved from divorce by the power of unity.

What is unity?
Unity can be defined as oneness. It is the state of being one undivided entity. Unity in marriage means to be of one mind and purpose in marriage.
Why Unity?
Friends, no marriage can work without unity.
Firstly, Amos 3:3 asks “can two walk together except they agree? The obvious answer is ‘NO’. Marriage is a journey not a destination. It consists of two differing personalities (male and female) who, most of the time, have different orientations and backgrounds.
These people will certainly need the force of unity for them to stay together as husband and wife.

Secondly, the marriage institution was founded on the principle of unity. The Bible in Matt 19:5-6 says “.......for this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh. Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder”. So, marriage won't work without operating by the principle of unity.

Thirdly, marriage is far beyond co-habiting. It means to be physically, spiritually, financially, sexually, materially, in fact, “all-roundly” united.
Eph 5:24 says “Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything”. Therefore, it will be practically impossible for two people to exist in this manner except they are united.

Now, it is important for us to know that there are some blessings we can’t access until we are truly united as married couples. (Psalm 133:1-3). A united home is the breeding ground for God’s blessing.

Among the blessings we enjoy are:

  1. Greatness
    Greatness awaits every marriage that is truly united. Unity produces greatness. It achieves unimaginable feats. Anywhere unity thrives greatness thrives. In Gen 11:1-11, a set of people set out to build a tower that will connect heaven and earth and they almost did until disunity set in. A broomstick may not be able to kill a fly but when many of them come together as one, they can kill a cockroach. Any family set to give unity a place is ready for unimaginable accomplishments.

  2. Divine Covering
    Another blessing inherent in unity is divine covering. A proverb in Yoruba says "if the wall does not crack up, lizard can't have access in to it." This means our marital cover is lifted when disunity sets in. It means we become exposed when we are not united.
    Unity is impregnable to the enemy. The Bible says where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty from all works of the devil. Also, Jeremiah 20:11 says “But the LORD is with me as a mighty terrible one: therefore my persecutors shall stumble, and they shall not prevail...... "

By these scriptures above, it becomes very clear that we enjoy divine covering by divine presence. But we secure divine presence when we live in unity as seen in Acts 2:1-3. God’s presence can’t thrive in an atmosphere of discord.

Before I end this post, permit me to challenge every current and intending couple on steemit and beyond to sign up today for unity.

In truth, the blessings of unity in marriage are unquantifiable because the revelation in God’s word is inexhaustible.

Let's be united in our marriages. Let’s walk in unity of purpose the rest of our lives. Divorce is not the solution to our differences in marriage.

Sometimes we might disagree and most times we do. But we must disagree to agree and not disagree indefinitely. That way, God's blessings will rest on us in all areas of our lives.

In my next post, I will be showing you from scriptures how you can live in unity with your spouse. Kindly be on the lookout...

You are richly blessed.

Image from BuildYourMarriage


Words of wisdom. Nice one @diskorvery

Informative post..thanks for sharing...

You are welcome @ebugreat. Thank you for reading.

I'm sure that it's really hard to find your soulmate anyway, and there's no need to keep looking for the perfect partner your whole life. Personally, I just have fun with females from the dating sites, you can snap this site and find someone as well. But I know that at some point, I'll settle down and find someone to build a family and a healthy relationship.

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