You don't understand Marriage

in #marriage7 years ago

So I was going to write pretty much a whole dissertation on this. But to be honest I just don't have the time for that. Apologies.

Marriage is not about love. I know, insane right? Here's another truth bomb at ya, Marriage is not about you.
Crazy that the world doesn't revolve around you, but there it is. Marriage serves a far higher purpose than I think the majority of society can grasp.

It is an institution by which, society functions efficiently. And so, it is not your run of the mill relationship that you can abandon as soon as it gets a bit difficult or you're just not feeling it anymore. On your wedding day you make vows, before God (if you so believe), before witnesses and commit to one another by law. So no, you should not get to just waddle out of it once you realise "oh wait, this is getting hard for me" or "I could be happier elsewhere" honestly... your happiness doesn't matter. It is not a human right, it is a privilege; a nice add on, granted to some and not to others.
So the people coming up with the excuse of not being happy in their marriage, they can jog right on.
Marriage becoming difficult? WORK AT IT. KEEP COMMUNICATION AT THE CENTRE. Oh, what's that you say? You and your partner never had very good communication. Well then you shouldn't have gotten married, now man up, accept the consequences of your decision and make it work. You think the other person is being unreasonable? They are probably thinking the same about you, try to compromise, don't antagonise them ( it ain't gonna help.)

OBVIOUSLY I am not suggesting that every marriage can just be fixed. Some people are the worst and will not change or help you out in the matter, but, you married them, now live with it. Stop making excuses, life isn't easy, accept that.

Also, stop thinking that another person will make you happy. Stop putting your happiness in someone else, people are imperfect, they will let you down. Find your happiness from yourself ( or find fulfilment from God) but don't be putting it in another human and then get upset when they inevitably let you down.

Stop having casual sex. Stop it. It does nobody any good. Do you have any idea just how much it can mess with your feelings? You could be with someone for a considerable amount of time, who you barely even actually like, but you confuse yourself by adding in intimacy and then suddenly realise "oh, they are a terrible person" SMH

Alright well I'm out, feel free to comment with disputes to my thoughts, I'm always up for a discussion.
Love you lots, k bye xox

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