Nigeria 🇳🇬 At 59 but still dependent!

in #marlians5 years ago

Yesterday the 1st Of October 2019 the Federal Republic of Nigeria 🇳🇬 celebrated her 59 years of independence from from the British colonial rule.
The question, is Nigeria really independent needs no answer, because its visible to the blind and audible to the deaf that after 59 years of gaining independence on the 1st of October 1960, we are still behind. I mean we take one step forward and five steps backwards.

Leadership styles has affected this nation, because these leaders whom we either elect or those who got their position by hook and crook do not at any point think of what they can do for Nigeria, rather they think of how to milk Nigeria dry. Millions of Nigerians are suffering everyday as a result of bad leadership policies and negligence from the arms of government that are supposed to ensure policies enacted or created help the masses and not the rich alone.

Let us take into cognizance that the past and especially the present government have not made any improvements as regards its citizens welfare, education, lifestyle, security, housing and what have you. Bills, reforms and policies that will improve the standard of living for the poor are never given any attention at all, but policies that will favour those of them at the corridors of power are quickly made into law without hesitation.

Few months ago, Nigeria was ranked among the poverty capital in the world, the giant of African at that. These shows that almost if not all of her citizens are living below the poverty line. Sincerely i don't think there's any middle class in the society anymore as almost every is feeding from hand to mouth. One who earns a ₦100.000.00 per month is not comfortable because of how expensive things are in the country. From housing, transport, feeding and even other unforeseen expenses. The ₦18000 minimum wage that has been debated over to be increased has not even seen the day light, it means an average Nigerian earns that amount per month, now let me ask, how does one who earns that amount cope?... Rents, feeding, transport, it is not even enough.

Education system today is nothing to write home about, dilapidated structures, poor learning environment, under paid lecturers and even corruption associated with funds. This is not even the number 5 item listed in the budget of Nigeria. You get admitted into the university to study a four years course and you're graduating after 6 or 7years because of internal and external strike actions. The education system is a mere window dressing rather than it being the bedrock of nation building.

Healthcare, this is the worst because facts have it that every year at least not less than 40 Doctors and Nurse travel to Europe to practice and enjoy better health care system. It is disheartening that a drug as common as paracetamol cannot be found in some hospitals in Nigeria. Rotten structures begging for rehabilitation and funds, patients dying as a result of not having better medical check up due to lack of equipments to do so. It's even funny to state because those who hold power don't even patronize their own health care system. They travel abroad and spend millions of naira outside there to be treated yet they cannot invest and make their own work better. In fact we citizens are at the mercy of God helping and healing us. But it's fact that Nigeria has the best Doctors and Nurses abroad, yet the government cannot look into it and proffer solutions. It's saddening to say the least.

Transportation, especially the road is in sorry state, as some of them are even death traps to motorists plying the roads everyday. In fact some of these roads we use today have never been maintained or taking care of but funds are syphoned on a daily for them and these road were constructed even before the 1960. Today a journey that is supposed to last for an hour would take you 6-7 hours because of how the bad the roads are, drivers now have to look for the best possible bad route to prevent their automobile from damaging. I could go on.

The paramount duty of every government is to provide security for its citizens. As enshrined in our constitution. But today, terrorism, kidnappings, mass murder and insurgency is what we face today. Nowhere is safe any longer, the Northern part of Nigeria has been overtaken by the dreaded Boko Haram terrorist group as well as kidnappings living many dead. Robbery and kidnappings in the federal high ways, so to say that the roads are not safe for traveling anymore.

Banking system and reforms are made to steal from the poor masses and aided by the central bank of Nigeria (CBN). Seen and hidden charges and even sometimes customers are overcharged. To imagine that ₦100 is charged as "Card maintenance" is laughable, because i don't see how you're charged for what you're keeping in your own custody. The recent reform is that banks would start charging 2-3% on both deposits and withdrawal between the range of ₦500.000 - ₦1000.000.000. With this it's not safe anymore to keep money in the bank and these things will not also allow investors to invest.

Nigeria if you ask me needs to be recolonized again, because our leaders have missed a track and have been piloting us towards doom. From one bad leader to another, selfish, bigot, Nepotism, and tribalism is what our leaders use to divide us. Today millions of Nigerians are suffering and smiling, all is not well with Nigerians and don't even tell me prayers is what we need because a lot of pray without ceasing.

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