Vatican makes 'Historic deal' with Chinese Government, as China begins Rolling out 'Social Credit' Rating
Vatican deal - "The Vatican on Saturday signed an agreement giving it a long-desired and decisive say in the appointment of bishops in China, though critics labeled it a sellout to the government ... The Catholic Church in China said it would 'persevere to walk a path suited to a socialist society, under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party." (Link)
China Social Credit - "What may sound like a dystopian vision of the future is already happening in China. And it's making and breaking lives. The Communist Party calls it 'social credit' and says it will be fully operational by 2020. Within years, an official Party outline claims, it will 'allow the trustworthy to roam freely under heaven while making it hard for the discredited to take a single step' ... Those at the bottom can be locked out of society and banned from travel, or barred from getting credit or government jobs. The system will be enforced by the latest in high-tech surveillance systems as China pushes to become the world leader in artificial intelligence ... Who your friends and family are will affect your score. If your best friend or your dad says something negative about the government, you'll lose points too." (Link)
So the Vatican makes a deal with the government that is persecuting Protestant Christians and destroying churches. Sounds like the Vatican of old!
We reported back in 2015 about the United Nations '2030 Sustainable Developement' agenda, which covers every single aspect of our lives and that would quote - "leave no one behind". And the Vatican is heavily involved in this agenda. Just look at what this 'social credit' system China is rolling out will do. As the news article above states, it will "make it hard for the discredited to take a single step." So what will happen if you speak the truth of God's Word and the three angels messages? Under this system, you would be discredited and blocked from being to do anything. Think this is just China and won't happen in America and the rest of the Western world? Think again, because steps are already in place to enforce a cashless society, digital/biometric ID systems, complete surveillance, etc. And what did Revelation 13 tell us America, the second beast, would do for the Vatican?
Revelation 13:16-17 ...'And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.'
Now these systems, ID systems and microchips are NOT the mark of the beast itself. But these systems are being put in place READY for the mark of the beast to be enforced. Which will be the Sunday rest law in honor of the false trinity god of Babylon. And with these systems in place and the world 'united for peace', those who stand upon a 'thus saith the Lord', keeping the Lord's TRUE 7th day Sabbath, and worshipping the one true God and His Son, will be persecuted and not be able to buy or sell. But stand firm in the truth friends, as there awaits an eternal life for those who are in Jesus Christ, but judgment and eternal death for those who follow the beast.
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