Insta Quest 2018: IS IT ALL BULLSHIT?!

in #marketing6 years ago


I am currently at 473 followers, which is +2 from my last post and +73 from my start. (FOLLOW ME)

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There is an extreme element of bullshit on Instagram.

It’s so hard to cut through the bullshit, I can barely even tell when I am BSing myself, let alone when other people are fucking around.

So far, it seems like here are the clear signs of bullshit on Instagram:

(1) Nobody Leaving Real Comments on a Post

If people aren’t leaving genuine comments, nothing else matters. You can’t build a business on likes or views, you build it on comments. You can game the system all day with cat photos and bikini models but unless you engage one step beyond the likes, and actually get the comments, I think it’s a sign of clear bullshit.

(2) Stupid Hashtag Games

None of the legitimately influential or “successful” people I see on Instagram are using dozens of hashtags. Whenever I see someone using 10+ hashtags, I smell bullshit.

I used to participate in the hashtag games btw — I tried it for about three weeks. It does boost likes and views, but it does not boost organic reach/engagement/followers as far as I can tell. This idea is coming from both watching other pages, and from personal trial-and-error, so, ya.

(3) It’s Obviously Terrible

I’m not talking about stuff that isn’t for your demographic, I’m talking about stuff that is bad. You know — basically the equivalent of Steem’s trending page. If you see some painfully cheesy guitar tutorial on open chords from a random page and it has like 50,000 views, you can be skeptical, and that applies for all kinds of stuff.

If your brain says “there’s no way that can be true,” for some “successful” then it probably isnt true. I mean theres dumb shit that gets popular, but its usually easy to spot the difference between a popular dumb meme and a fake trending post.

My Own Progress - One Step Forward, Two Step Back

It seems like I gain 10-20 followers, then lose like 5-12 of them, then gain more, lol. I have no idea what is up. To be honest I cant go too “all-in” on insta this week, so its gonna be mostly a “holding pattern” of me doing 3-5 good posts per day on the usually subjects.

In the next week or two, I have an idea for a new strategy. We don’t stay stagnant for long.

Alright thats my update hope your monday is great, PEACE.


Dude, I told you, I'm leaving Instagram. I read somewhere it was found to be the worst social network for mental health. It's all BS.

Among all of the BS, there is much value and attention to be had. As much as I wanna walk away, I'm too hungry to build a platform of influence. If you can't join 'em, change 'em.

hmmmmmmm. i doubt it. maybe for someone, but i think you have to be of a certain profile that fits certain demographics.

Well Im not sure how it can be doubted tbh, there are many people who earn a lot of money on instagram lol. For sure a lot of them are young and in a trendy demographic. But you could be really surprised by some of the stuff going on.

Our Instagram numbers do the same. Gain a bunch, lose a bunch. Only really move forward a little bit at a time.
I also don't really like the platform but it does seem to be the favored Social Channel for the younger demographic that we are all trying to capture. May be a necessary evil. Time will tell but I will not waste much time on it myself.

PS. Follow me at @IndieBandGuru lol

I like your page on Insta, it's good! Definitely keeping it real, unlike many brands that are so cheesy on instsa. Followed.

Never used it myself. I just always thought it was for the selfie fanatics.

A common misconception!

Love steepshot, I do need to get on that more. They are a few hundreds of millions of users shy of achieving Instagram's scale tho :-P

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