RE: Social Media Marketing
You know what, up until about a year and a half ago, I had shut down all my social medias. I felt it was a distraction from life, work, and my kids. About that time, I had rekindled my love for music and performing so I was instructed I need to connect back with people and the best way was through Social Media (free advertisement). So I have been quite active and currently I operate Facebook, Twitter, Instagram (all for the purpose of my music) and #Steemit . You present a tremendous flaw in my system that I honestly have not considered lol.. I have made such an effort to keep my system simple, I never considered what I'd do if my account were jeopardized because of hacked password info. Yea I may need to adjust by adding that extra character like you mentioned. But a friend mentioned "making money with social media" and I was on it lol.. So far I must say I find it quite interesting. I rather appreciate the effort to build a community of people sharing meaningful content as oppose to selfies and cat pics (although I do enjoy some cat pics). Thanks for the tip on those hashtags, I will most definitely follow up on those! Wish you luck on your Steemit journey as well.