How to find a Keyword for PPC Campaigns
Keywords play a major role in determining that your campaign will be a successful campaign or not. It is not an easy task to find the right keywords for your PPC campaign. If you are looking for the best tips to find a keyword for your campaign, you have landed on the right page.
You should know that keyword research is part science and part art. It's all about using the right tools wisely and predicting the potential words that your customers will type in the search box. Let's find out the methodologies that will help you acquire, refine, and organize your keywords.
How to Get Started?
You should take website landing page(s) as the starting point for your keyword research on which your ads will have appeared. Start your research by scanning every page and harvesting relevant keywords from the text.
Suppose you have a well-built website with appropriate content and want to attract your customers through the same. We recommend you to put enough relevant content on your website with comprehensive keywords in optimum quantity to attract customers.
How to Organize Keywords?
You can organize the keywords into the following types-
• Brand Terms
Consider adding keywords that contain your brand name. Suppose your brand name is 'Glowing,' you use the 'glowing' word as a keyword.
• Generic Terms
You can add keywords related to your products or services in this category.
• Related Terms:
In this category, include those keywords that don't relate to your product or service at all, but your customers regularly search for them. For example, you are selling an anti-acne cream. You can take 'pimple' as a keyword.
• Competitor Terms
Try adding your competitors' brand names to enhance the chances of customers being land on your page.
It should be noted that if you are planning to bid on brand terms of your competitors, it needs a large budget. Hence if you have a great budget, it is a thumbs up for purchasing your competitors' terms, or if you are looking for affordable ways to make a successful PPC campaign, stick with us to know for the best and affordable ways.
Place Yourself into Customer's Place
One of the best ways to know the right keyword is to think by putting yourself into your customer's shoes. Ask yourself questions like which words or queries would you type in your search bar to find specific products or services?
Keep in mind that it is essential to begin with, broad keywords and then move to the specific keywords. For example, if you are selling shoes on your online store, the keywords will look like; shirts> men's shirts> men's full sleeve shirts> men's blue full sleeve shirt.
Consider Adding Variations and Synonyms in your Keyword List
Sometimes, search engines can automatically create connections between related terms. For example, it will realize that sneakers and running shoes are the same products. But, you should know that search engines can't relate things every time.
Hence it would be best to add synonyms of your keywords in the keyword list. Taking the keyword 'men's blue full sleeve shirt' for above, synonyms and variations would look like-
• Men's full-sleeve shirt
• Men's full-sleeve tees
• Men's full-sleeve Ts
• Men's full-sleeve t-shirts
• Men's full-sleeved shirt
Consider Specific Keywords While Creating your Keyword List
Sometimes, it is a smart move to include broad, or 'head' terms in your PPC campaign as these terms have higher search volume. However, ahead keyword like 'shirts' can be used by the people searching for kid's shirts, women's shirts, and so on. Hence, your product won't always be useful for your customers.
On the other hand, long-tail keywords' men's blue full-sleeve shirts' will get a specific number of searches in a week or month and give you higher orders because it will show people what they are looking for. On top of that, the long-tail keywords are less competitive and therefore affordable.
Include Relative Keywords to your Products or Service
We have mentioned above that it would be best to add relative keywords to your products or services. Suppose you sell dog food, try including topics that dog owners would search for, such as dog accessories, dog grooming, dog breeds, dog health issues, etc.
Using Wrong Spellings Might be a Wise Choice
Using wrong spellings of keywords can be a wise choice to enhance your website traffic and sales. Sometimes, a user may not know the right spelling and mistype the things (Christmas as cristmas, crismas, chrismes, etc.).
Keep in mind. You should never include misspelled keywords in an ad group if you are using DKI in your ad copy, as it will include the misspelled keywords into your ad copy and make your ad unprofessional. Hence, it would be best to create a separate ad group for misspelled keywords.
The Final Words
You can easily find the best keywords for your PPC campaign by adopting the above tips. It is also important to add negative keywords in your campaign as they help you in controlling costs and keep your ad targeting as relevant as possible.